Everglades Exploration Network

Captured some photos of an interesting bird on Biscayne Bay. Have some of them on my blog:

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Thank you for sharing these pictures, I didn't even know they existed!

A couple of seasons ago I was camping at Flamingo and I saw a weird looking "Egret", later on I found out that it was a White Great Blue Heron, of course I didn't have the camera with me, I've returned a few times with my camera and no luck.

Juan, I know the bird you refer to:

Really nice bird blog Connie!

On another note, I found this skull off Oyster Keys in Florida Bay. Anybody know what it is ??

Sheepshead fish!

Damn, you're good Connie! :)

I thought it may have been a Moray, but it is a fish!


Yeah, kind of takes the fascination out of it knowing its just a fish. I think it's a good find, you got to love those teeth!


That is very cool!

Great photos as usual... I do not think you shoud refer to yourself as an amateur wildlife photographer!  I know some self-proclaimed "pros" and your pics are better... how about "avid" ???


If you want to get some shots of Great White Herons, head down to the lower Keys - they are much more common down there.


Thanks Gary, you are too kind.

Thanks for sharing Connie.

Some great pictures Connie

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