Everglades Exploration Network

Looks like another Fall and Winter season has come to an end.  

      What trips do you hope to do this coming season?

This was my 2nd season with EEN, added a couple of minor events to the bucket list went to Mud Lake and volunteered one day. Best trip was camping with my son and inviting old friends to Mud Lake and introducing them to the Backcountry. Biggest lesson learned, double check the meet up site before the last day!

  • Goals this year
  • Get down Taylor Slough
  • Help find a Mahagony to Shark short cut to set up future one day Shark Slough runs
  • Family holiday trip
  • Find back route to East Cape via Bear Lake Canoe Trail
  • Volunteer again


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It looks like it does a nice job under bright conditions.  It would be nice if it had a digital zoom.  There were a few Spoonbills in the area that let me get pretty close - but on the video they still look far away.

Dallas said:

Nice footage Jay. The GoPro really takes crisp video.

Jay said:

Well my kids got me a GoPro for Christmas and I took it on the trip. I put together a video if anyone is interested. 


The portage section starts @8:30.  I shot it in HD if you have high speed internet.


How do you upload such a long high quality vid?

It allowed me to upload...but wouldn't allow me to publish until I "verified" my account.  In the video manager, you will see a long video get "rejected".  With a link to verify the account and "increase your limit" to greater than 15 minutes.  It is free.

This was only the second video I have ever uploaded and stumbled upon the increase limit function.

Loved the video and the soundtrack, good work! My videos suck when I get to using any type of editing software.


You got me scratching my head. When you essentially floated through the "graveyard" I thought the water was still actually pretty high, but then on the very west end it seemed about right. Although I think your estimate of 12" deep might be a tad optimistic.

But then when you were paddling back out from your walk it looked like there were coon oysters in the branches higher than your gunwale. I would take that as a sign the water was above those branches for a good duration.  But I don't remember seeing any high water stains - usually a dead give away that the water gets up and stays there for a while.

What impression did you get?

I think I told you that the last time I was there a definite flow was moving through from west to east. I'll see if I can figure out when that was. 

From your video I know I can't portage my beast through there... but with another 12" of water to float it I think I would try. Might need a 5 gal of KY!

Ya gotta wonder if there might be a tide gage somewhere in Soup Doodle???

Those GoPros sure have potential! 

Thanks for sharing.

Jay, thanks for the David Gilmour buzz, awesome!

Jay said:

It looks like it does a nice job under bright conditions.  It would be nice if it had a digital zoom.  There were a few Spoonbills in the area that let me get pretty close - but on the video they still look far away.

Dallas said:

Nice footage Jay. The GoPro really takes crisp video.

Jay said:

Well my kids got me a GoPro for Christmas and I took it on the trip. I put together a video if anyone is interested. 


The portage section starts @8:30.  I shot it in HD if you have high speed internet.

Gary - I did float through the graveyard - but I had been through that 3 or 4 other times and sort of knew where not to be.  I did get gouged a couple of times.  I think the water was pretty low. My impression was that the water does get higher - but the footing wasn't ridiculous which had me wondering how often it gets really covered up.  There were a couple of sections that definitely get wet at high tide, but I don't think there is complete inundation. I have no idea what the tides do back there. I got to the site @ 10:00am and Flamingo low tide was at 11:28am at a -0.6.  I figured it would be an hour or two behind but now I don't know.  It would be interesting to get back there @ high tide.

Regarding making it through there - I walked through pretty unobstructed. I walked over and under deadfall - that could easily be moved aside with out cutting. It was all very rotten.

Gary M said:


You got me scratching my head. When you essentially floated through the "graveyard" I thought the water was still actually pretty high, but then on the very west end it seemed about right. Although I think your estimate of 12" deep might be a tad optimistic.

But then when you were paddling back out from your walk it looked like there were coon oysters in the branches higher than your gunwale. I would take that as a sign the water was above those branches for a good duration.  But I don't remember seeing any high water stains - usually a dead give away that the water gets up and stays there for a while.

What impression did you get?

I think I told you that the last time I was there a definite flow was moving through from west to east. I'll see if I can figure out when that was. 

From your video I know I can't portage my beast through there... but with another 12" of water to float it I think I would try. Might need a 5 gal of KY!

Ya gotta wonder if there might be a tide gage somewhere in Soup Doodle???

Those GoPros sure have potential! 

Thanks for sharing.

Thanks Connie - it seemed to go well with the video.

Connie Mier said:

Jay, thanks for the David Gilmour buzz, awesome!

Guys, would a full or new moon tide make any difference back there?

I've been leaving Tom's territory to him but you guys are going to drag me into this mess with all these

damn postings.  Geezz, even a video to bait the trap.

From the video that didn't look like much to go through dragging a boat.....no wait....I'm already planning,

gotta stop this thought.  Remember it was Jay who sweetened the Fakahatchee run by providing us

with two forward probes, he's doing it again.

LOL - I guess the next question that comes to my mind  - Is can the Soupdoodle Prairie be paddled?  What are the tides up there?  In the couple of places I put my paddle in the "soup" on the Bear Lake side - it was bottomless.  I don't think out-of-the boat ops will be possible - like in the northern grasses.

I don't like where this discussion is going...

Next thing is, Terry says, "no, I've got it all figured out"..."should be an easy scouting trip"

And then I find myself swimming in soupdoodle.

I don't even like soupdoodle!

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