Everglades Exploration Network

I hope to be done in February.  I call this shot "Clampzilla".  Hopefully it is at least shaped like the second shot.

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Interesting canoe what are the specs? One day when I retire I will build a boat, wishing you lots of patience. I know I would need it and most importantly, skills :-)


It is a pretty low profile canoe.  Should be pretty good in the wind.

Don't wait until you retire!


Here are the specs.

Length 15'2"
Beam (BOA) 29-3/4"
Beam (BWL) 30-1/4"
Weight 42 lbs.
Displacement (Capacity) 375 lbs
Draft (at Capacity) 6.12"
Center Depth 12"
Depth at Bow 15"
Rocker .25"
Jay who is the designer? Are you installing a rudder or sail on it? Specs do look good!


I was not planning on a rudder.  I don't have rudders on my kayaks.  A sail is something I have been considering - but will probably start out without one.


The design is from Newfoundland Boat Works.  The description of the handling characteristics:

"An excellent solo tripper designed to cruise, with room for plenty of gear, stable, fast, and tracks straight. It has an asymmetrical hull shape and lots of tumblehome so the paddler doesn’t need to reach out for an efficient stroke. Good on quiet ponds, quick water, or big windy lakes.

Note that although the stems are a traditional recurve look, they are kept very low to minimize being influenced by the wind"


I am not putting a keel on the canoe - and I am adding just a bit extra rocker - so it should have a good mix of acceptable handling characteristics.

Progress.  Sealer coat.  I will be glassing the exterior for the next two days.  Ended up without the extra rocker.

Beautiful! When are you taking her out?

Thanks.  Short answer - as soon as she's ready.  Still lots of work to do.

Glass the outside.

Fair and glass the inside

Gunnels, decks, thwarts and seat.


Hard to put a date on that.

Sort of a big day today.  Decided to make a push to get the Voyager in the water to identify seat placement.  So late this afternoon, did a temp install on the decks and thwarts and launched her. The hull is prepped for varnish (hence the matte finish on the epoxy).

The punch list is getting down there....

Epoxy the decks in place.

Install bulkheads and hatches.

Quarter round the scuppers.

Seal gunnels and misc other pieces with epoxy.


Install seat.

I think I will celebrate a bit tonight!

Congratulations Jay, nice job! Looks like it will be ready for a late season trip?

Congratulations! Where and when the maiden voyage?  Go to Lowes and get some workshop flooring .better on your knees than that towel.


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