Everglades Exploration Network

Starting on Jan. 2, 2012, the Everglades Exploration Network will be downgraded to the Mini plan. To see what this will leave us in terms of features you can go here:  http://www.ning.com/compareplans/

Since the upgrade to the Plus Plan last year, very little use was made of the premium features we got from the upgrade. Only one Event was posted and only one blog post was made by a member during the entire year. It has become apparent that our members want nothing more than a place to post their messages and photos, and I can no longer justify paying $199/year for features that nobody will use. Ning has since increased the number of members allowed in the Mini plan from 50 to 150, so that one reason to stay on the Plus Plan is no longer valid. I don't see that we currently have 150 active users on the board, and I will be going through the membership roster to remove those members who have joined but have not posted within the past 6 months. All of our content is public, so unless you intend to actively participate in the discussions groups, there is no reason to join the network, as you can still view all of our content as a non-member.

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