Everglades Exploration Network

This will be the last year that the Everglades Exploration Network will be hosted on the Ning network. Sometime this spring (I can't yet say when), a new forum will be opened on the Everglades Diary, and the Ning forums will be closed to new members, discussions, and photos. The Ning network subscription will not be renewed in 2013.

Two things have happened which enable me to take this step:

1) My Everglades Diary web hosting service has been gradually expanding and upgrading my hosting plan, and it now includes unlimited disk space and bandwidth at no extra cost. They also now offer up to 5 free MySQL databases, which will allow me to operate the phpBB forum software (also included in my hosting plan). The phpBB forum has already been installed on the Everglades Diary and is in the process of being configured. I will be sending out invitations to a few of you long-time ENN members to help me beta test the new forum in the near future.

2) I am starting my last year of college, and my course load has dropped to a much more manageable level. This was the major reason I originally opted for Ning's pre-packaged forum solution. With more free time I am now ready to take on the task of running and managing my own forum on my own terms without incurring a yearly subscription fee.

I will keep everybody posted on the progress of the new forum.

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Thanks for all the personal work and time into this site and to all the participating members. I still would be dreamin' about camping at a Chickee, if this site wasn't running!    Instead I am packing this weekend for my 1st ENP back county trip !

Keith, Thanks for all your hard work and commitment to this site. Glad to know that the Everglades Diary will soon be the focal point for the forum.

 Ive been telling canoers I meet to check out Evergladesdiary.com. and I meet a lot of interested people. I think you do a great job as a writer and organizer and provide a needed service. Thanks Keith.

Things have a way of coming around full circle.  Back to the Everglades Diary then!  Thanks for all your hard work Keith, Amazon Bill's reply on the 29th must feel good for you.  Just remember there are at least another hundred good stories like his that you'll never know about but which are a result of your work.  



The 3 main sites I used were the Keith's Everglades Diary general planning and Everglades Exploration Network for routes and gear specifics. Connie Mier's Everglades Experience site 2008 9 Part Series which detailed planning for a wilderness trip. Knowning what can go wrong out there, gave me the insight and respect to get well prepared, and these sites and blogs really provided the needed info to "push off the bank". Now I've have the backcountry bug and wish winter lasted another 6 months!

Well, while I do thank you all for your support, it was really you all that made this forum a success in building the community of S. Florida wilderness explorers that we now have. When the new forum is ready I hope that all of you will come over and bring this community with you.

I'm still on track to open the new forum sometime in February, and I'll be posting invitations for beta testers in the next couple of weeks. The Everglades Diary itself is undergoing a transformation, but that is a much slower process as I re-teach myself all of the (X)HTML and CSS that I forgot over the years that the site was stagnant.

Again. I thank you...I could not have done any of this without all of you!

Everglades Diary was a resource I found invaluable when I started preparing for longer trips and especially when I started my transition from kayaker to canoer. I always put it on my list of sites to recommend for anyone planning a trip through the Everglades.

Thank you for all your hard work Keith, looking forward to the new and improved "Everglades Diary".

Thank you Keith! We all appreciate your hard work and look forward to the future.

Thanks for your work, dude. I remember stumbling onto the "Everglades Diary" back in 2004. I just recently put two-and-two together that you were behind this site too. One of the most difficult things to do is get pertinent info on the backcountry of the glades. So you my friend, are doing us a real service. thanks

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