Everglades Exploration Network

Props to Vivian for pointing us to this one!

Click the link to download a 24K topo mapset for Garmin GPS and Mapsource. You can install this in addition to your Garmin maps in Mapsource and load them into your GPS device. The map detail is comparable to the Garmin 24K topo sets. Some trails that are on the Garmin sets may not be available yet in the free version, but given that this is still a work in progress that may change. These maps can only get better, and best of all they are free! Having said that, you may want to tip the developer a few bucks via his Paypal link, which will encourage him to keep working on these. I already own the Garmin 24K Topo US National Parks East set, but I still donated $10 just because this is such a cool project.


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I tried to load both the Bluechart and free TOPO on my Garmin 60csx. There are many areas that I can't toggle back and forth to in the Everglades region. I think I will load each on separate chips and use them when needed instead of having them share space. Unless I am doing something wrong? Would you use just the TOPO for the Everglades or is Bluechart what everyone uses?
Reload all of them at one time & they shouldn't overwrte each other
I don't use Bluechart maps, but what I understand of them is that they are strictly nautical charts. The free Florida maps are mostly topographic. In the world of paper charts, nautical and topo are not related. Nautical charts generally don't show much in the way of land features, and topos don't do nautical stuff. I'd guess that it's the same for the GPS mapsets, since they are basically digital copies of current paper charts with some enhancements. Since the free Florida topos are not primarily nautical charts, that is probably why you can't see the same features on both of them.

I could be wrong, and I have no objection to be proven so by someone with more knowledge...

Also, remember that the free topo project is trying to incorporate nautical data into their mapsets, so they might become more compatible with Bluechart in the future. How nice would it be to have a set of maps that does it all?
I neglected to note that the free topo project has an online forum for such questions:


Also neglected to mention that I'm writing this from a hotel room in Oak Brook IL, just outside of Chicago. Daytime temps were in the 60s today, and its about 58 right now. I could get used to this...
I did this and it worked in some regions but did not in others. Primarily those regions that I will need info for on my upcoming season trips!
You are correct they are not the same. I have opted to just using the topo map instead of Bluechart for this seasons upcoming trips. Since I am not really spending time on the coast and know it very well, the interior areas are of more importance to me. I have compared both, and the topo charts have the information I need to use. The Bluecharts do not offer interior creeks and trails. Plus, I always bring a NOAA chart with me and have that right next to the GPS and can check the nautical portion.

Yes, one day it will all be great if they both worked as one. Thanks for the links to forums below.
Illinois is very nice this time of year. Just make sure to come back before it get's nice and windy! Yikes!

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