Everglades Exploration Network

Just started getting seriously interested in glades tripping and am looking forward to it. Most of my tripping is done in Ontario so this is a whole new deal. I will ask some dopey questions so please be patient.......

I like trip reports and slide shows and frequently share......again please be patient as my contributions may miss the mark on occasion. Here is a slide show of a recent trip.

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You have a big expedition canoe.  You have lots of room for water jugs. Use one for a deadman.  When you are solo I think the last thing you want is something extra to fiddle with.  Nor drag farther than you need.. make sure you recognize the high tide line...lol...

Water container.  http://www.walmart.com/ip/Reliance-Products-Four-Gallon-Aqua-Clear-...

Remember that critters want your water as well as your food. In a canoe storing water in collapsible containers or soda bottles is risky.

Lots of beaches do have driftwood to tie off. IIRC East Cape does. NW Cape does not. Highland is not too big a drag up to the grass..but be careful.

BTW look up sandspurs. Those can make your camping miserable if you walk through them they have little grenade shaped very spiky burrs.


Hey I like that water container but don't you worry about the spicket getting broke off?

Sand spurs? That sort of stuff just bounces off me (insert smiling wink icon).

Spigot has outlived the bottom. I have been using similar containers since 2006 and have  done 14 days in the Everglades each year.  The bottom wore out last year. Fortunately I filled at the motel before launch and noticed this really big puddle in the truck!

It would be nice if sandspurs bounced off me.but I was nastily introduced when a whole bunch of them went right through the bottoms of my Crocs three years ago at Highland. Now I carefully inspect grass before wading in.

Hmmmm.........OK, I will get one and check it out.

Wow.....those must of been some big sand spurs to go through the bottom of crocs! I must deal with the baby ones.

I detest crocs BTW........I wore them while fishing offshore in the dry tortugas and due to their instability and flipping and flopping around I ended up with a knee issue. I think they are an accident waiting to happen.
I use the Aquatainer in the 4 gallon size because it rides with opening up and it fits my canoe better than the 7 gallon. Plus it is easier for me to bring it up on the chickee platforms or carry up to islands. I use a 4 gallon for 6 day trips along with a frozen gallon of water in a cooler to keep food frozen for first 3 nights. That and two 32oz bottles I keep close at hand drinking while moving. Bass pro and cabelas have the 4 gallon.


Crocs, I love mine with wool socks at camp. I just don't use them in the boat but know others that do. BTW be careful especially at Mormon with the stickers. Bring a heavy mill ground sheet to protect tent floor.
Aren't we a chatty bunch? We will have to make sure not ever to trip together as we would never get anywheres. (Insert smiley icon.........hey no emotive icons on this board? What's a guy who likes to kid around supposed to do?)

Kim I think Vivian has you beat on the aquatainer. The spicket might be supremely more conveinent but I am sensing trouble sooner or later with it.......as in smacked off while lugging it up the ladder.

I was thinking some handi wipes for cleaning up some "trouble" spots.......maybe a generous supply of body powder as well. Flamingo has shower?

I always put my ground cloth inside my tent via Cliff Jacobsons advice but I might rethink that with the gnarly Everglades where everything wants to poke or bite you.

Actually Alan I use the Aquatainer. They have it at the hardware store in EC.  I just found the picture of something hard sided and blue. Though I do have four and might have gotten one at Wally Workd. Hardsided is key.

Flamingo has shower. Baby wipes are nice but they apparently don't suck well so you have to carry them out. The johns are emptied by HMS Stinky.  Here on Picnic.. Suck as in not jamming the hose. 


Only you can determine your innie or outie use. However a square of fabric is so handy on the beach to keep things clear of sand that you would rather not get sand in. Like your coffee cup or stove. And the boards on chickees are widely enough spaced so your Leatherman can go down..down..you might not want to get it.  So it seems you may need to experience being an outie..

I don't use slop slip off shoes in the boat. I did at one time . I spent 30 minutes fishing for a Croc at Rabbit on arrival.. not a croc.  For me neoprene booties work best . I use them with a drysuit at home ( no the drysuit is not with me in the Glades)  Sometimes when you step out of your boat the clay will just try to suck your shoes off.  You probably already know that sandals are not your friend  in the Everglades but ones with toe blocks like Keens are better vs oyster bars.

Alan, we haven't even begun to talk about fishing!

This might not work for you as you will be limited with time. I like to use water and soap to rinse off salt and sweat from my body and those wipes don't cut it for anything more than an overnight trip. I bring a 3 x 3 sheet of plastic and lay that on the tent floor. I use it to keep the floor dry while I use a capful of no rinse body bath in 8 oz of water to wipe down and then towel dry. Then you can put on your camp clothes and head out to celebrate happy hour, nice and clean.


Or place the plastic on top of the sand and make a little depression. I would think it would work for solo.. Not on a chickee though.

I mix the no rinse in a cook pot just use the plastic sheet to sit on while I bathe so the floor of the tent does not get wet.

I use campsuds shampoo - soap up, bucket dump or two - salt or fresh - air dry!

Dang, I don't do any of that. Maybe that's why my wife makes me take of my clothes in the yard when I get back...

The real secret is a fresh pair of underwear each night!

Jay said:

I use campsuds shampoo - soap up, bucket dump or two - salt or fresh - air dry!

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