I stepped into the FNST at I-75 MP 63 yesterday, with dress shoes and slacks. The misquitos promptly found me and I realized it's rainy season and summer bugs are back. Face it EEN made it so I can't cross the Alligator Alley anymore without getting the urge to hit the trail or the paddles! I figure the only way to get through the summer doldrums is plan for next year. This fall's adventure list is shaping up:
What's yours bucket list for 2012/13?
Views: 140
Shark Slough and Canepatch are definitely on my list! I also want to do another WW trip using a different route than last time. Hopefully we can get a nice group together for the slough.
Start at EC and go to Flamingo..and resupply with water and go back to EC. Two weeks in January.
I have to do the WW this coming season, is about time for me. Of course, away from the magenta line.
Late September / Early October is the time to re-survey L-67.
Shark Slough Main Street runs up to Shark Tower but using the east fork
just north of Gumbo-Limbo Hammock then another north fork paddlers
can follow a very open route to the hammock at 40.048'N and 42.338'W.
This spot is very close to L-67 making the "brochure" door to the slough
the opening off L-67 at 44.689'N and 40.411'W. The only problem
is you're on your own between that opening and the hammock where the
airboat trail seems to stop. It's not a bad paddle during high water but it's
slow. On the image this standard route is shown in yellow. The white line
shows the start of airboat routes which can be paddled all the way to Canepatch.
The two blue lines indicate unexplored possible open-ish routes that shorten the
making-your-own-way to the airboat trail, especially the middle blue proposed route.
This second image is a close-up of that middle blue line coming off L-67.
I have been up and down L-67 countless times looking for the best entrance to Shark Slough.
I think I've been at this spot but just didn't try hard enough to get through, that was
a number of years ago using Terraserver. This newer GE image directs us to a location
that's screaming to be explored may be with a little more determination.
Is a better "front door" to Shark Slough yet to be found? The frontier lies before you.
I want to do it, but need to go with someone experienced. Count me in!
Have you ever tried going down the east side of the canal? There seems to be an airboat trail that runs just east, alll the way down & around the tip & over to the tower...
There's no question it's clear all the way down L-67 and the airboat trails branch off the
southern end. I've done that but it's not the best way.
The end where they filled the canal in gets rough raising it to about the same level of
difficulty as finding your own way on the yellow line. But the worst part about going to the
end is the airboat trail that connects to Main Street heads northwest to get to the big
intersection at Gumbo Limbo Hammock so you're going south to go back northwest to
get to Main Street.
For everyday Shark Slough travelers the yellow line ain't bad, in fact, it's the best entry
for doing the slough run, I'm just thinking there might be something even better.
Check this out: Last weekend we paddled from Captiva Island up and around
Cayo Costa State Park. It was just a day trip but there were no bugs.
I've always said I can take the heat OR the bugs but I call it quits for the season when
there's both. Has anybody paddled through (Terry style, not outside like the way the
Great Clalusa Blueway route runs) the J.N. "Ding" Darling National Wildlife Refuge?
I studied the refuge a little while I was over there and a day run from Tarpon Bay Marina
wiggling through the refuge and coming out at Blind Pass Beach, Wulfert Channel
looks interesting. Better yet, I have a free shuttle service in July.
Keith, Yakmaster, Esther, Flex, what do ya'll think? Want we to come up with a route
and a plan? What the heck, I'll GE a route anyway. Give me your thoughts.
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