Everglades Exploration Network

A comment was made about kayak friendly docks and I was wondering what constitutes a friendly, as opposed to an unfriendly dock.

I've got plans to finally get my kayak in the water and was wondering what you all qualify as good. I know many docks/ramps up here in SC but only from a power boaters perspective.

We have pretty significant tidal swings where I am planning on paddling.

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Many of the new canoe/kayak access areas are being designed as ramps. What we need is a nice sandy beach to launch from. Many of us paddle composite boats and the concrete ramps scratch them up badly unless you device a method to avoid damage. Others paddle very heavy plastic boats and have to carry or wheel them to the launch. The designers make this even harder than needed. At Deering they have made a circular drive that is bordered by big boulders so you cannot wheel anything except a wheelchair (by law) to the launch which is a good distance away. Once you manage to get everything there you have to park pretty far away leaving all your gear behind. These urban access areas aren't always safe places to leave valuables in plain view.

Convoy point has a very good and inexpensive solution using pvc pipes held together by rope to make roller type launch. It shouldn't be so complicated! I think they should make these "ramp designers" lug heavy boats on and off their cars and practice launching in high and low tide scenarios. Maybe they will come up with a funcitonal solution.
Bad as Deering South is...the Main Deering launch (The Peoples Dock) is worse! No auto access and a lousy launch to boot, at a cost of a few million taxpayer dollars!

The worse they are, the more they cost & the more you hear from park planners that they can't affford to do more access because we spent $x on the y launch & nobody uses it...

One of my favorite places to launch has one of the worst launches, The Blue Marlin on the Oleta. God knows how much that cost!

A nice slope with good auto access is the key. Some folks dislike floating docks, but they can be good when they float low.

I love Convoy Point! What did that one cost $29.99 even at govt acquisition cost...

KISS my dock! Keep It Simple Stupid!
I'm willing to bet that if you approach the park districts involved you can find a solution that improves the launch. If they aren't responsive you can complain to your elected officials. Present them with the simple Convoy Pt solution and take it from there. Good luck!


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