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I wish I was able to sleep in. I apologize Bill for not showing up. I was all packed and ready to roll but I came down with a severe case of food poisoning Sat nite. I am at McDonalds in Immokalee right now. This will be the first food I have eaten since Sat and the first connection I have to the internet as I have no signal at my camp in Bear island.. Man I have been sick.
If I feel better we need to set another date. I still want to go. Sure Gene you can go also.
I noticed on the news that they arrested a kid selling poison made from the Rosary Pea plant. He lived in LaBelle and worked at McDs. I wonder if I was a victim?
Im surprised the water is still up in the Gauntlet.
I would love to assist anyway I can to locate and mark this tram. Are we speaking of Saturday the 1st?
I was ready to go tommorrow but I will wait. Sat the 1st sounds good. Was the cold water a problem Bill? Are you an experienced hiker Gene? Its a 2 mile hike just to get to the lost sections.
Update from my last trip: All the water based marking paint from last year has faded away. Most of the ribbons remain and I added more as needed. As Swampwitch noted, the trail is looking very good as it attracts more attention and gets used. Some missing sections remain to be discovered. The mysterious "bench builders" have abandoned their camp and equipment. The benches are starting to rot. Their well is non-functional. I notice its deep enough to hit water but it has no one-way valve to keep it primed. Some of the logs arranged at the washouts are floating away. Maybe they could be tied together with rope and used as a bridge. The old hunters/loggers camp still remains hidden..
In reference to the lost loggers camp, all I can say at this time is that its still there, Im sure of that. Its somewhere past the bench builders camp but before the center W.. The bench builders camp is at the very end of the raised sections. The loggers camp was south of the trail but the trail may have been very different in the 80s. Ive decided to expand my search area to the oak flats north of the tram. Maybe the old trail went north and I didnt realize it. I dont know what else to do other than make a GPS grid search but I dont know how.
OK I will be going with you, Bill, on Saturday Feb 1st at about 6-7 AM. Gene? Dallas? Anyone else is welcome. Its only 2.4 miles in and 2.4 miles back but the trail is rough. Some of the trail is at ground level and some is elevated. Im tall, so I spend most of my time ducking under overhanging brush. There are several washouts to cross. The flowing water is pretty but it gets muddy when the water recedes. Most of the elevated sections are covered with cypress knees and you really need to remember to lift your feet on your trip back when you're getting tired. I once tripped and fell on a sharp protrusion on my hastily made walking stick. That hurt.
Im still out in the swamp. I have been here in the BCNP since Sept 1st and I will be here until April.. Im getting a bit stir crazy out here and I will be glad to talk with others with similar interests. I have been hiking Bear Island alone because there is nobody here that will even consider going with me. There is much to do and explore but I find myself often talking to myself. I tried to communicate with a deer but I dont think she understood but I enjoyed the close encounter.. Maybe I can join the FTA?. I rediscovered some beautiful trails here. I may have found the largest water oak tree in the swamp. Its the largest I have seen. So beautiful.
See ya Saturday!
Vivian how can I join up with the FTA people? When is the next Happy Hoofers hike? I find myself conveniently located in the beautiful swamp near I-75 with time on my hands the next month.
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