Today we drove around the loop looking for potential kayak launch sites. The airboat launch at Mitchell Landing looked promising. We were hoping to reach Lostman's Slough or another potential route. Has anyone gone that way recently?
Does anyone have info on Dayhoff Slough? We also looked at the L67 Canal as a route. Are there any publications or resources covering the water flow in the area?
There is a lot of water on the ground right now. We hope to explore the area during the next cold front, assuming it comes our way soon. Any tips would be very welcome routes, resources, warnings, etc.
Distance without obstructions is not an issue for us. Twenty-five plus miles of open passage is pretty average for one of our day paddles. Realistically though, obstructed passages change the dynamics of travel so overnights are definitely viable. We have moderate backcountry experience, mostly on the 10K and Florida Bay/Flamingo areas. Now I'm looking to fill my craving for deep backcountry exploration. Any and all info will be greatly appreciated.
Oh, yeah, ultimate destination is the Gulf side, Willy Willy, Camp Lonesome, Canepatch. Not all at once but eventually.
You started this discussion on 18Oct09 with a statement like "...craving for deep
backcountry exploration..." since then a lot of us have been doing a lot of backcountry
A Taylor Slough trip fits your request perfectly - It's all backcountry, it's 21 miles,
protected at the highest level, very unique yet not too rigorous and, as mentioned before,
which is the real dividing line that separates a "double black diamond" canoe trail,
you stay in the boat for the whole trip. Yakmaster will be happy because it's all grass
paddling and no dragging boats. You also get bragging rights for traveling from the entrance
to the park down to Nine Mile Pond in a boat NOT by driving on the highway.
You mentioned "we" in the original post. I say we kick off the 2010-2011 season
with a group Taylor Slough paddle at the first hint of a cool front, probably early in
October when the water level is still high.
Unless the water level drops, we must have high water, we're doing this!
A Saturday early in October, stay tuned, details to follow. In the meantime
study up on the trip and be prepared for a very long day of paddling which
will include pre-dawn shuttling of cars.