Finally got a clean paddle from from Seagrape Dr. (Home of the soon to open Welcome Center) to the Turner.
Actually it wasn't so clean...I broke a blade (no spare) about a half a mile from the Turner. We were only going to do a loop out of Seagrape to avoid the tunnels, but with only a half a paddle, we thought shooting the tunnels would be better than paddling all the way back.
You need to balance water levels for this trip. Too low & you can't get across the grass; too high & the tunnels are a beast. It's about a six mile trip, but if you can spend all day & see some REALLY nice out of the way places.
The track is not the actual, since we took several beautiful...but wrong...turns. I took the liberty of "cleaning it up" & it should be clear sailing...I mean paddling.
This should still be good for a few months, as long as the rain continues and the water levels hold. Excellent open grassland padling joined by some of the best tunnel paddling anywhere!
For you fisherfolk, saw TONS of small (18") snook
way back in there!
Here's the google image & a Garmin file.