Everglades Exploration Network

Hi All, I'm back for my third foray into the Everglades this Feb. With the help of this forum we visited Sweetwater Chickee from Everglades City and North Nest Key from Key Largo. We are seeking another two nights camping trip either leaving from Everglades City or from Flamingo in Feb.

I had my eye on the Hells Bay trail, but we would have to transport our kayak/canoe rental to the trail head on our own which we don't have the equipment to do. My preference is to stay out of big open water as much as possible because we are pretty locked into our dates and can't flex a lot due to wind and weather. I'd rather plan on a route that can be paddled regardless of winds.

I'm wondering if Hells Bay and Lane Bay chickees from Coots Bay/Flamingo is a reasonable two night trip. Hells Bay is booked our second night, so we'd have to stay there the first, which means a longish paddle back through Whitewater Bay. 

Another idea was Johnson/Shark Point chickee loop and will just have to keep an eye on weather which makes me a little nervous. 

Also open to Everglades City options. 

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