Everglades Exploration Network

I saw on facebook that the ENP public comment period is open for the increase in backcountry camping until March 15, 2013.

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That is Proposed Fee increase.

This is the link: http://www.nps.gov/ever/parknews/everglades-national-park-seeks-inp...

This would represent a 42% increase over the current fees .. still very inexpensive, but are we really going get anything more in return? From that page it just sounds like they want to increase it 'because they should' in comparison with other parks .. hmmm~

I could be wrong but I can't imagine that the fees we pay now even cover the costs of our being out there. It can't be cheap to send someone out to pump the outhouse at Camp Lonesome

I completely support the increase in fees.  It is ridiculously inexpensive for us to utilize this resource for a mere $5.00/day.  I would like to see them "fix" whatever system they have for collecting fees.  On 3 out of my 6 trips this year (including my thru trip) no fees were collected due to some accounting issue. I have also been down through the gate a couple of times where they have not been collecting (I have a pass). That can't be good for the bottom line.

80% of the fees go right back into the park.  That's good for us all.


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