Everglades Exploration Network

Below is links to a video diary of Bill and Toby ENP trip the first week of August that was up on the watertribe site (www.watertribe.com). 

Day 1   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urOXNAjku0Q 

Day 2  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsEhcZ3sKNQ 

Day 3  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2JGqkAiopM 

Day 4  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OO8cuA9XxZ4 

Day 5  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OO8cuA9XxZ4

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Wow! I'm truly impress with Bill and Toby, and I thought that I had a rough day back on February when I got stuck in the muck looking for the Charley Creek entrance. Their trip thru the Nightmare was a real adventure, I can't see myself waiting for some navigable water while being surrounded my millions of bugs, or finally getting to your campsite to find out that is under remodeling.


I wish I had the same spirit and energy they have.



Awesome post Ted! I think you guys are crazy for doing this in August but it sure makes for better adventure and stories.

Excellent videography...Love them bims!


I was out on saturday in the bay & I thought I was going to melt! Gotta build me one!


But just watching those vids I started to itch, scratching my imagined mosquito bites!


Not even Keith would try the Nightmare in August at low tide...when I saw those banks on the approach, I knew they were heading for trouble! That was REAL LOW...

Toby and Bill are crazy but I live vicariously through their adventures. Did you all notice a new gator visiting Darwins and Roger is still hanging around the chickee. Even with the bims the heat is oppressive!  Bill did a great job with that vid diary!


Go Toby! :-)

Everyone seems to know Rodger but when I was there in March there was no sign of him. Maybe it was his day off?

Awesome trip!! Even more awesome you video captured it!!! :)


Here is an alternative to the bimini top that i've developed::



ahhhh memories......


It's almost scarier in retrospect!

And you thought last year was good....

you ain't seen nothing yet!


I enjoyed the video. Thanks for posting.


Im towing my little Scotty camper to FMB next week to get ready for the season.

In all fairness, I think Toby enjoys his time in the nightmare.  This is not his first extended stay.  I love that guy!!

Apparently this summer wilderness waterway thing is the new fashion!:



LOL! Ignorance is bliss. A 14' canoe for two loaded with gear and tents without no see um mesh. I cannot think of a more miserable way to spend a week away from work.  


In the winter that small and overloaded canoe would sink crossing those back bays in high winds. I hope they opt for a longer one.

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