Everglades Exploration Network

Date: May 9-10, 2009

Location: The Gator Hook Trail begins on the Loop Rd about 2.5 miles south of the Tamiami Trail at Monroe Station. The 'official' trail runs east and southeast for about 1.7 miles, following the old cypress logging tram line. Beyond this point there is no marked trail. You can still see remnants of the old tram in places, but for the most part it's all cross-country bushwacking between here and the Florida Scenic Trail at Roberts Lakes about 3 miles further to the east. Well worth the effort for experienced hikers.

Condition: Clear along the well-traveled lower section of the trail for the first 0.35 mile. After this the trail follows the raised tram line and remains fairly clear for a short distance, and then soon becomes heavily overgrown and unmaintained. At this point it actually becomes easier to leave the 'trail' and walk through the open forest on the eastern side of the tram. You will run into occasional heavy patches of coco plum scrub on this side, and it's better to return to the tram to get around these than try to walk around them the other way. Keep the line of the raised tram on your right until about N 25° 48.981' W 81° 4.842'. After this you're on your own and there is no visible trail to follow until you reach the Florida Scenic Trail.

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I went out to Gator Hook trail yesterday with a buddy for a short half day trip. The first part was dry with a few predictably muddy spots.  When we got to first cypress dome on the trail , we were presented with our first challenge: a stagnant pool of water. It was a "crossing the rubicon" moment. We looked at each other and said, "f**k it" and waded through the knee-deep water to the other side. The old tram is much more visible ( and raised) on this section of trail. I quickly became enchanted by walking through this raised section. the sun is kinda of blocked out and reminded me of being in a long, narrow hammock. I didn't feel like we went far from the road, but we were in a whole different world....A couple times we had to jump across a few breaks in the tram were water passed through. The vegetation was a bit overgrown, but the pathway is easily visible. We also had to deal with two more cypress dome crossings that were knee deep to mid thigh (I am 5'9). Some people tried to make a path with logs, but its better just to cross the water.

We almost made it to the near the end of tram and had to turn around (it was 5pm). It seems like most people/tourists stop at the flooded 1st dome, but if you are brave enough to cross the water, you will get rewarded with a beautiful hike through a hammock highway in the middle of cypress. I recommend a walking stick or a trek pole because it helps to balance yourself and its nice to poke dark water before walking through...lol

Anyways, this was my 1st swamp stomp (im normally just a paddler ) and I think I'm hooked. I would like to try to make it out to Robert lakes strand one day.

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