Everglades Exploration Network

I am thinking about getting a storm cag for paddling season in the Everglades this winter. I am planning multiple overnight paddles, hoping to build up to a 5 or 6 day paddle. I already have an amazing raincoat from REI, but was just wondering if the storm cag is a good idea, or maybe overkill? It is expensive. I like the idea of having one to put over my sprayskirt incase of a storm. Plus living in South Florida, it would be nice in the summer months.


Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Is a storm cag necessary equipment for Everglades kayaking?



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First, I am not what most people call an expert kayakers but so far I've never had the need for one, the sprayskirt and my windbreaker jacket are enough for me. I make sure that I always wear fast drying clothes, nothing cotton.




I take a lot of weird stuff that I never use, but a storm cag seems like overkill, unless you have a water allergy.

Back when I used to be a kayaker, I looked at the storm cag and also thought about getting one. However, I really like to make my gear do double duty whenever possible and decided against bringing "one more thing". Most of my Everglades winter trips bring one good storm in before a front with a full day of rain. My Marmot Precip jacket worked well along with the spray skirt to keep me dry. That jacket was also used around camp as part of my layering system to keep warm and as a windbreaker when on the water. Unless I was a Watertribe challenger that just had to paddle through whatever weather was thrown at me, I don't see the need to bring along a storm cag for recreational use.

In our summer rains wearing one would result in heat exhaustion and you would sweat so much wearing one you would be as wet or wetter than if you had nothing on when it rained.   If lighting not around and I am in a summer rain I'll just deal with it and wear jacket or PFD if I feel chilled afterwards.

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