Everglades Exploration Network

I would appreciate anyones thoughts on the Old Town Discovery 169 as a suitable everglades wilderness waterway craft. 3 friends and I are doing a 10 day trip this winter. I already have a Penobscot 16 but rather than renting a park Grumman I was hoping to pick up a used 17 footer. We have a couple of 169's nearby for sale and they look like they carry a ton but it gets mixed reviews on paddling .net. I realise any canoe loaded up with 2 big guys and 10 days worth of gear and water isn't going to be a racecar and I don't want to pay big money for  lightweight canoe.  Any thoughts will be greatly appreciated.

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I'd say the 169 would be perfect for what you want.  My fishing buddy just bought his second one... after decades of abuse the first one finally gave up.  Price, size, capacity are all in line for your application.  They do oil can quite a bit after the first decade or so, but we found that a plus when pushing over fallen timber in the back creeks.  His was green, we named it "Gumby".  A complete cut-through of the outer plastic layer was its final straw... check those used ones for deep gouges... the material is "un-fixable".

Got one used in Red!!! Its a monster!!

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