Everglades Exploration Network

I would like to introduce myself to the discussion group. My name is Mike Jester and I am the facility manager at Everglades National Park. It appears there is much misinformation about the camping structures and yes, I agree they are not as user friendly as those found in other areas of the park. What you may not know is the design of the structures was the result of having to obtain environmental permits/permission from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Fish and Wildlife, U.S. Coast Guard and the National Marine Fisheries. Bottom line, we were required to raise the structures to a minimum of five feet about mean high water, provide one inch spacing between deck boards, orient the structure east to west and relocate the proposed Umbrella Key chickee futher away from the Tin Can Channel to Shark Point (much shallower water). Unfortunately, the park was unaware of these requirements when we were conducting public meetings to get input for future uses in the park. The agencies which oversee these activities have responsibility for the protection of critical habitats associated with threatened and endangered species and safe navigation for the boating public. In order obtain the permits to construct the campsites, the park had the choice of making the required changes or not constructing the camp sites, which I must assume would have fructrated our visitors more than having the existing facilities. So, where do we go from here?

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Thanks for the comment. I will be meeting the Flamingo district maintenance supervisor at Shark Point and Johnson Key this coming Monday to discuss modifications to the chickees. I expect the work to begin soon after and be completed in February.
Nest Key is a great topic.  It is not the most hospitable of sites.  Then we have the rats!


The FWC's NMB came up with recommendations on launch sites and access.  During this process they identified several non-destructive yet NMB friendly options to elevated structures. Product do exist.  I can direct you to a good and reasonable source if you like. 


I hope to see more and better access in the park.  There are many of us willing to help in many ways.  I hope the park will reach out whenever needed. 


By the way, a kayak up to 16.5' fits perfectly between the piling and the ladder.  The Tracer in Flex's photo fit like a charm.  Most canoes will as well.  The other two kayaks did not.  The guys had to climb the wall. The modifications you mentioned will help that process immensely.  Thanks.  


Would making the platforms larger, with gradual elevations be possible?  Getting two tents on an existing chickee is tough now. 


What about North Nest Key.  Can that be fixed up?  The rodents are terrible.  No way it can hold as many campers as the stated site limit.  The largest clearing might hold three small tents.


I would take high chikees over none, any day!!!!


Thanks for the effort.



Anybody been out there this summer to see if there are any changes to the Fla. Bay chickees?

Great pic juan.. I wonder how many square feet of sea grass got destroyed in seconds by the idot with the twin engines? my guess is (1.5' x 2 x 200') 600 sqft.  I think they could of put about 3 chickes at a normal level and caused less damage... When will government learn to use their heads? Oh please don't get me started on this again. :-))

Bump and a thanks to Mike Jester

Absolutely! I'd be interested in hearing about how the decision to retrofit the chickee to make it more paddler-friendly was reached. Will Shark Point get the same treatment?
Thank you for the excellent report and pictures!

Thanks Vivian!

I just finished a write-up about my outback cooking method(s), if you're interested::


I really enjoyed reading your write up on cooking in the backcountry.  In your pictures you show a cast iron skillet.  My questions:  How do you clean this after a meal preparation? I assume saltwater rinse then clean up with a paper towel?  How do you keep this from becoming a rusted mess after a long trip?

The tins of octopus, etc are very tasty and a great idea to mix with fresh vegetables.  I am getting lazier in my trip cooking process and pre make meals freeze and keep in a cooler.  Will use some of your recipe suggestions for short trips.

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