The airboat trail is obvious at 39'60" N and 42'25" W, just west
of the large hammock. When I was out there in October I could
not find the trail heading west from that point as it appears
on GoggleEarth, in fact, there were some thick areas up toward
Vulture Hammock. But from that point it's a highway all the
way down to Bottle Creek, Rookery Branch.
Now that that's established, run out GoggleEarth so that you get
both the new end of L-67 (where they pushed the levee back in)
and the point where the airboat trail is obvious all on your
computer screen at once.
Oh my, does that look inviting.
Francis Taylor Wildlife Management Area and L-67 is an excellent
slough starting point but we've been breaking out of the canal
very close to Tamiami Trail just because it's open to the
grass up in that area, easy and I managed to go to Canepatch
staying in the canoe without getting my feet wet.
The end of L-67 levee has been pushed out wider, they staged all the
machinery there when they filled in the canal, it is very much
like, identical to, Ernest Coe and Ingraham backcountry sites.
You know where this is heading: a levee road to service it, all
the end of L-67 needs is to be designated as a backcountry site,
a piss pit and maybe a picnic table. Slough travelers have the
Francis Taylor Management Area to park at and an easy paddle
down the canal to get themselves prepared for an early morning
run down the slough to Canepatch. This is very do-able, I did
it in one day starting all the way up at Tamiami Trail and
losing a lot of time getting stuck in thick grass between
Vulture Hammock and that hammock where the airboat trail starts.
Now run GoggleEarth in and focus on the short southwest distance
between the new end of L-67 and the hammock. I have not probed
that area west of L-67 but look at the little creeky
looking slot coming off L-67 just a hundredish
feet north of the end of the levee.
I have probed the west side of L-67 down in that area and did
not find an obvious opening, however, that was before having
these aerials and knowing that the airboat trail starts just
southwest of that point, very powerful incentives to probe
a little harder.
If there is anyplace that screams for exploration!!
This is a super easy afternoon probe, from Miami you can be
paddling in L-67 in less than 45 minutes. This can easily
be explored out to the airboat trail in one day.
I know what you're thinking, this is the same nut-cake that
has been pushing for documenting a short route through
the Lost Portage. And after a couple of times beating ourselves
up trying to find the Lost Portage you're apprehensive, but
it's an addiction, an obsession.
If anybody beats me out there there's only one requirement:
a full report on gladesgodeep.