Everglades Exploration Network

A NPS invasive eradication crew completed the annual Brazilian pepper treatment in

the Chute of Still Creek on 13 February 2014.  Still Creek is in good condition.

The Crossover in the neck of Noble Hammock Loop is also in good condition.

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The Brazilian Pepper Treatment, is that a new cosmetic procedure?

Can you post a map of where Still Creek is? I Still don't know....

Here you go Vivian.

vivian said:

Can you post a map of where Still Creek is? I Still don't know....
Thank you! Now I have to sign up on a Terry trip to get the 411 on it. Have you done this route? Do you have to do a shuttle or loop?

I stashed a bike and rode back to the Noble Hammock put-in from the West Lake ramp. It was a short ride on the bike, probably around 10 minutes.

Vivian, GladesGoDeep - Let's do this!    How about Saturday 1 March?

Dallas can lead the way and I'll tell you what I'm gonna do, an offer that

no one can refuse, if we get a really good group, as in dozens of boats,

bring everybody, we'll throw in Bodjo Pass!


I've done Still Creek but have no idea where Bodjo Pass is.  Got a map for that?  Who or what is Mr./Ms. Bodjo?

 Bodjo Pass is the canoe trail going from Nine Mile Pond to West Lake.

 We'll start at Nine Mile Pond, picnic in West Lake and return up Still Creek

 to Noble Hammock Landing.   A casual trip for a change.

 I'll save the story of Bodjo for when we pass Hangman Hammock.

Terry, do you think water levels are high enough for Noble & Still Creek right now?

More than enough, more than usual.

I was there last Thursday and 7 notches were showing on the pipe at the landing.

That's high, Noble Hammock and Still Creek are very paddleable with 10 notches showing.

It gets thick when more than 10 notches are showing although I've paddled the route

when the entire notched pipe was dry.

Bodjo Pass is the one that needs the most water, it's high elevation going across Big Burn

but current water levels will make it a casual paddle.

And it looks like we should be getting some more rain towards the end of next week.

In fact, the photo to the left of this sentence is in the middle of Big Burn.

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