Everglades Exploration Network

Water and Campsite ID - I would like to thank Chris Meyers and Dallas for the information supplied.
It all makes sense now!  LOL
Seriously, the information together with the sites provided will help me plan ahead in an informed manner.
My Big Cypress biking excursion objectives have been: getting away from all the "noise" in the neighborhood for a couple hours, experiencing the vastness of the Everglades, exploring in general and preparing me and my bicycle for a solo bicycle tour from northern tip of Lake Okeechobee (Okee-Tantie) to the city of Frostproof via the Florida National Scenic Trail.
I'll post details on my setup and setbacks in future posts.

I have posted a couple picture for now.

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No offence but isn't the florida scenic trail no bikes allowed? I could be mistaken but, I could of sworn the last time that i looked into riding it on my mountain bike that was the case.

None taken at all.  Thanks!

I have been going to numerous sites, government and not, and I actually have stumbled upon portions of the Trail that do seem to be off limits for bicycles.

I'll have to verify carefully and if needed I'll detour off and back on.

I'll let everyone know.

Thanks CaptAlan


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