Throw another log on the fire:
This one could freeze the glades!
Views: 329
Can be pricey. Another alternative that could work if you aren't going to use a liner very often( I use mine a lot in Canada) is to go to a thrift store and find a flannel sheet for a couple of bucks.
It wasn't as bad as they initially said it would be. I'm not sure how they fared up peninsula.
looks like the overnight lows are going to improve... thank god, those poor snook don't need another winter like 2009.
I use a feather down bag that I picked up at an Army surplus in the 70's and I have never been cold yet in a tent.
I just spent Tuesday night at Hells Bay, Wednesday night at Roberts River and Thursday night at Pearl Bay. Hell's Bay was chilly adn wind blowin; bout 20+mph. We put up a tarp on the chickee walls and hunkered down. No floating dead fish were anywhere all week. Lane River was jumping with Lady Fish and Sea Trout. We caught and released quite a few. Pearl Bay had what looked like bream or cyclids all around the chickee. A camper later told us it was new 38 degress at Flamingo the three nights. It felt more like the mid 40's on the chickees. The days were warm 55-60 degrees with the last day above 70 degrees. The warm days may have saved the fish. The fishin' pattern was find them in the shallow protected coves on the bank. Cast a DOA shrimp or Rapala type floating bait for good action.
And farewell pythons!
It's been a warm winter ... looks like we could get some more cold air on Thursday ... but I'm not sure how cold.
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