Everglades Exploration Network

Bear Lake Side Two location questions: Calusa Cannels & Cattail Lakes

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Thank you folks for the information you have given me on this site. At this point I feel it time to take a leave, and stop posting on this site for a period of time.


Thank you once again. Sorry if my words have offened anyone. It is not a refection of this site, nor the people on this site. Please forgive me, but I was very hurt by the fact that someone of like mind would of tried to band me from the only place in world I find peace.


Thank you

Carlos Miami101 AKA John Bob




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Gary M. Good question, the wilderness committee is appointede by the superintendant of the park to help fulfil his management responsibilities assigned by the Wilderness Act of 1964. They review all administrative actions, projects, or programs affecting the wilderness to determine if they are necessary and how to minimize their impact to the wilderness. The members are appointed by the superintendant and come from all departments within the park. As far as contacting them I guess for us the best way would be to go through the volunteer coordinator who works out of the Ernest Coe Visitors Center. I know Ranger Chistiana is his supervisor but I have not met the new volunteer coordinator that replaced Clarissa earlier this year. They are all great folks and could hook you up with approved projects withing the park. They were even nice enough to send some of us to training put on by the National Wilderness Training Center. Terry was in that group. If you have questions regarding the Wilderness Act of 1964 I reccommend you go to Wilderness.com, there you can access a multitude of infomation including a copy of the Act, A Minimum Requirements Decision Guide and even Minimum Requirements case studies. It's worth the time spent just to get an appreciation on just how hard managing a wilderness can be.

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I am closing this discussion as of now. My vison for this group is to give those of us who love the south Florida wilderness a place to gather and discuss and plan our trips, not to rant and call each other names. If anybody has any doubts or misunderstandings about what is allowed here and what isn't, please take another look at the group guidelines.


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