Everglades Exploration Network

Has anybody canoed from the Homestead Canal where it comes into
the middle of Lake Ingraham northwest to the canal at the north
end of Lake Ingraham?
We've all canoed Homestead Canal to the middle of Lake Ingraham
and another common route is Little Sable Creek up to the northern
side of Northwest Cape but has anybody canoed north out of
Homestead Canal just before it empties into the lake, across all
that open water northwest to the canal that comes into Little
Sable Creek? Lake Ingraham is big and can be nasty it's also
got motorboaters so avoiding it would be a provide a pleasant
change. Last January I canoed from the lake north in
Little Sable Creek to the canal and took the canal east but
ran out of time and could not explore the open water to the
southeast. It was very canoeable to that point and looked
inviting toward the southeast. This would provide an inside
protected route all the way from Bear Lake to Northwest Cape,
without even going into Lake Ingraham.

Here's another in this area: In recent years the creek
that parallels East Cape Canal looks more and more open. I have
canoed in House Ditch, across all that open water south
of Homestead Canal and east in Homestead Canal to come out at
Bear Lake. This was very canoeable. That creek east of
East Cape Canal would provide a natural vista and at the same
time cut the corner off of Homestead Canal by intersecting up near
the bend north. Has anyone canoed the creek east of East Cape
Canal to get into the backcountry?

Let's go for something really wild, I have canoed south from
Phantom Bay ( South Joe River Chickee) to Phantom Lake looking
for a connection to Gator Lakes further to the south. It was
pretty locked up but I did not try very hard.
If that connection could be made, it would be possible to go
from Northwest Cape all the way to South Joe River Chickee in
the backcountry by never going into open water. It's
waiting for somebody to do. Or, take the longer but
established route: Cape Sable to South Joe River or Hells Bay
via Mud Lake avoiding all the modernization of Flamingo,
more good stuff to do.

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No big deal I'll sleep on my sweet Native.................................

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