Everglades Exploration Network

The broadcast e-mail that I sent out last week about the membership limitations of our Ning service provoked a number of reactions that I'd like to open up to discussion by the group. I had a couple of new people who were concerned that they would be cut from the membership roster because they hadn't posted anything yet, so it seems I could have worded my announcement a little more clearly. If anybody needs to be cut, I will start with the oldest accounts first, and only those who had never posted anything. A message will be sent notifying them before they are removed, so they will have a chance to respond with a reason why they shouldn't be cut. Nobody will be summarily cut from the group without warning.


For anybody who has taken the time to read my posting on how this group got started, you know that it came down to a matter of convenience that would provide a much-needed forum without all the extra work it would take to code a forum on my Everglades Diary website. If I had the time, I would much rather have done that, but as anybody who has visited the Diary lately can see, it's in a pretty sad state because I am unable to devote the time necessary to keep it up to date, let alone expand it to include a forum that would require a fair amount of admin time, which Ning takes care of for me.


The Mini subscription that we now have costs $19.95/year, and limits us to 150 members. The Plus subscription, which would give us unlimited memership, costs $19.95/month, or $199.95/year, quite a jump in price. I have no problem covering the $19.95, but $199.95 is a bit much. I've had some generous offers to help pay for the premium service, but after some thought in regard to accepting donations or charging a membership fee, I'm not sure that I want to open up that particular can of worms at this point, for the same reasons that the group exists in the first place.


Therefore, I believe it's time that we as a group begin thinking about how we want to move forward, and there are many questions that will need to be addressed and answered. What do you think we should do? Should we solicit donations to upgrade, or charge a membership fee? What issues would that possibly raise in terms of access and editorial control? Would you consider volunteering to help out with site admin duties if that became necessary? Should we be looking at alternatives to Ning, and if so, what are they? What about soliciting ads from local outfitters and guide services to help pay for the service? 

Let me know what you think...

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I think donations, and ad services for outfitters are both great ideas Keith. I would be more than glad to give up some money in order to keep this site running. The experience and knowledge and sharing capability of this message board can not be replaced by anyone. I don't know about the plus subscription though. Many people never use the site, its always the same group of people writing new posts and comments. Before considering the upgrade you should probably try to see if ning offers some kind of service where they can maybe keep track of member usage and get rid of im sure about 50-75 people who just signed up and never visited again. I mean there are many people who don't even have a profile or picture up. I am also pretty web-savy as a maintain my own website and blog so I would be glad to help out and do maintenance if you need some help. This is my go to place for everglades info so I would hate to lose it! Anyways just my 2 cents, let me know if I can help!
Post a Paypal link for members to voluntarily support this network. All you need is 12 members to donate $20 to cover the cost for the next year. I'm in, are there 11 more?
If Keith decides to do the upgrade im in as well.
Keith, I'm in with Walt. Post a paypal link. If not I'll chip in my fair share for the site somehow. You've done a great job with this. I hope you can keep it going.
Two down... Are there 10 more?
I'm in for giving a donation via paypal or something like that.
What does the site do with the extra money if more folks than are required, sign up?
There are pro's and con's to taking on ad's. Who's do you take, and who do you reject.
One problem (potential) with taking on guides is the site becoming a fishing report.
I'd gladly donate.
Personally, I'd be shocked if there really were over 150 people who actually appreciate this site. I'd guess less than 50, with maybe 20 who are really into what I think this site is about.

If hundreds of people start start crawling around out there I'm gonna have to move to Alaska.
I'm not a web expert by any meas, but what about a Amazon banner? Most of the photographers sites that I frequent have one, I understand the site gets a "commission" if anyone clicks on it and start their purchase with it.

I'd gladly donate as well.

Count me in for a donation Keith. Also consider ads from local outfitters, shuttle services, etc. This would be a great place to adverstise Everglades specific services.
Although my main aim is fishing, I think ad's focusing on Vivian's suggestions would be best. Shuttles, camp outfitters, canoe guides, and other types of environmental enthusiasts would be best.
Fishing guides that emphasize the natural aspects of the Glades might be a reasonable fit.
By the way, I've built a couple of web sites and would be more than willing to support the Everglades Exploration Network in any way I can.

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