Everglades Exploration Network

What do you guys carry to anchor with when paddling for more than a day trip? Anything?

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I used to bring a small 1.5lb anchor but now just bring a stake out pole. It also helps you push off shallows and to stake out your canoe or kayak at the beach to load up at departure or arrival at low tide. Helps to stake out the boat while you go back and forth with gear while tide comes up. There are commercial stake out poles available but I made mine out of PVC pipe. This is a pictures of how I carried it for ease of use from  my kayak deck. I drilled a hole through the handle and added bungie cord to connect to deck loop. You can make one with grey sprinkler pipe. I added a point to the end from an old set of hiking poles. Some people use fiberglass ski poles the adjustable hiking poles do not work..trust me on this :-)




For multi-day trips I drilled a hole through a 2 pound dive belt weight and put a long shank eye bolt in it.

Where possible I leave my food and water in the canoe anchored away from shore, much like the picture

of the kayaks suspended between the double chickees.   By using the anchor I can suspend the canoe

at single chickees and ground sites by anchoring it off one corner of the chickee or dock where the canoe

can be brought up to the landing then before turning in for the night moving the shore line to the other corner

of the chickee, to the other side of the dock or up the shore.   I have also hooked a large fishing bobber to

the anchor line so it brings the line up to the surface first, like a mini-mooring.  This way I can pull the canoe

in to get in and let the line to the shore out to let the canoe go back off shore.   I never get my feet wet on a

multi-day through trip.

Ahoy Terry

I'm new to this whole everglades paddling thing but when you said you leave your food and water anchored off shore in your boat my alarm bells went off. I get the whole "away from the coons" thing but man that would make a tad bit nervous. I'd have to kick that one around for a while.


I like the idea of securing with a weight (anchor) and tying up though. That IMO is better than tying off downwind and hoping the wind doesn't change. But, what the heck do I know....like I said I'm new to this game.   

It would make very nervous as well leaving my kayak (or canoe) away from the shore but that's me and I know that anchors work for a lot of people.


What I do most of the time is that I empty the kayak and I carry it close to the tent, in ground sites like Lopez, Darwin and Watson is a lot easier due to how close the water to the campsite is; but at most of beach sites at low tide it could be a tedious task.



At high tide, next morning leaving I had to carry everything like 200 yards.



At Picnic Key



At Mormon



Juan..seems at least I can't access the pictures. Forbidden.

Access Forbidden.

Unable to see the pictures.

Do you ahve another picture of your stakeout pole where the general design is visible. I've got another 6 ' of stainless rod from my Cajun Anchor project and I can see the top handle but can't quite make out it's design.

Is it just a basic "Tee" along the lines of a flats boat push pole, just shorter?

Oops! I forgot that direct linking is not enable in my Pbase settings, 2nd try:


Rabbit Key at high tide, next morning leaving I had to carry everything like 200 yards


At Picnic Key:


and at Mormon Key:

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