Everglades Exploration Network

Hey everyone. I am planning on doing the wilderness waterway in March and I had a few questions for those who have done it. First of all, does anyone know of a good website for tides at flamingo? Salwatertides.com is not very accurate due to no close location. Next question is, does going flamingo to everglades city or vice versa matter? I was planning on going flamingo to everglades city. Last question is should I take deviations from the marked waterway? Perhaps to see some nicer areas or more wildlife or something. Thanks for all your help guys! 

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Tomorrow is the big day! Already got my permits in hand. I am really excited, and thrilled the day has arrived. The route is South Joe, Graveyard, Highland, Rodgers River, Plate, Darwin's, and Sunday Bay. If anyone will be out there stop by the site and say hello! Lots and lots of video's and pics when I get back.
Go Daniel Go!!!   Take lots of photos.  You can show them at the Miami Paddlesports and Film Festival on May 14th  Bayfront Park.  Call when you return and we'll set it up. Have a great trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a great trip!  The wind should lay down for you tomorrow with a very nice forecast for the week ahead!

If your last night is Sunday, don't go home down the Lopez, go north through cross bay, up into the Turner!


You close with a quality tunnel run & when you tell the folks @ the 41 launch that you put in in Flamingo...no one will believe you. Which only makes it better!


End your trip in style, not on the Chocko causeway!

Have a great time Daniel! Looking forward to seeing your video :-)
I have been really busy and haven't been able to put anything together just yet but I did post some previews on My Blog. And in my Everglades section on my site. Hope everyone enjoys them and I will be posting my journal entries and higher resolution pics soon. What an amazing trip and experience. Thank you so much to everyone that helped out with everything. I couldn't have done it without everyones input and suggestions.

I am glad you got a good trip in. Mine was aborted on NW Cape.  The sandflies came out covering everything so that a blue tent turned grey.  Going to the bathroom resulted in so many bites that I aborted the trip. DEET was ineffective.  The bug jacket too mostly as the temps were in the nineties and no wind and the humidity was awful.


No mosquitoes, but I have never before been so covered with flies. They even went for the food and the pot was covered with bugs.


So I resorted to day trips around Flamingo including Nine Mile Trail. Though the backwater section was dry I pieced it mostly together. The only issue was being charged by a probably mating gator on the main pond that took a chunk of gelcoat off the boat.

if it don't kill ya it just makes for a better story...
The Cape is a sandfly factory. As someone who favors offseason camping there, I have worn a furry coat of Cape Sable sandflies a few times. The days are longer toward summer, so I always find harbor in the tent from before dusk to well after dawn, and it's not so bad, with plenty of snacks, books, rum, music and a bedpan. If you exit for even a second, a trillion flies will come back in with you (on you) for the rest of the night. Have you ever seen microscopic pictures of those devils? I use a eucalyptus repellent - deet doesn't work for sandflies. Neither does the eucalyptus, really. I also have a small inner tent (mosquito bar) and bug suit for a false sense of security in case they breach the outer walls, or in case I need to go outside because my boat is floating away or something -- but don't let that happen! Taking these precautions, the Cape Sable sandflies can be dealt with.

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