Everglades Exploration Network

The wet season's started,
but it won't be official until
they open up the gates.

"Let the water free!"

Find out more in Go Hydrology! :old_glory:

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..but last spring how they went dry?

The gates that feed it aren't open til July 


Hey it ryhmes

you could write hip hop 

I'm more of a Shakespearean Sonnet guy myself.

Are gates shut because they are storing the water?  Is storing water good for the Everglades? Is there a plan in place to change this?

It's all very complicated.  You are right, however: storage is one of the goals.  

yeah, but shouldn't they be releasing it as it rains? i mean, shouldn't it be released more incrementally, earlier?

I dont claim to be knowlegable on water management but storing water in the  Conservation Areas has devastated wildlife in those areas during high water periods and many of the islands are shrinking away or already lost.


I participated in the emergency doe hunt years ago to save the deer herd and I can still remember all the dead deer carcasses and hoof rot and disease in those that survived.. This was years ago and I dont know if this is still happening but I see they are still storing water.  My guess this is why they are digging huge water storage reservoirs. 

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