Everglades Exploration Network

Everglades National Park....old coral structure (bear lake canoe trail)?

Years ago (about 32) I came across an old coral building while canoeing in the everglades and I do not remember where it is.  I remember that it was very small maybe 10x10 feet made of coral and had two doors front and back.  My usual canoe trip was to Cape Sable through the backcountry so I think it was there but I also used to do a lot of hiking on the listed trails so maybe I saw it while hiking.  Any help would be appreciated as I plan on taking my young nephew out to the glades soon. 

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I saw a photo on Miami101's website, not sure if it is the same one, but sounds like it could be. http://www.johnbobcarlos.com. Also on his Facebook page.
23/113 Florida landscapes B/W. Carlos, where was this taken?

You guys have me beat again. I was thinking no way does anyone know what he is talking about. 10x10 building in all of the Everglades, 32 years ago? And now you guys pull through, with pictures even. I might not ever get the opportunity to earn the knowledge that you guys have, but thanks for sharing with those of us that must only dream at the moment.

Sorry guys 23/113 is the deer pen house from the old inn.

Just off the Gumbo Limbo Trail. Hike, not canoe...

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