Everglades Exploration Network

Here's a clean track of the Taylor Slough and Nine Mile Pond.

Now we know where to go! (only one deviation where I went through the wall instead of going around with the rest of you...

Thanks to Terry & the whole crew. Great time, long to be remembered!

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Thanks for the files you saved me some time.  Yesterday while on the trip I really hated Terry but today I don't anymore, LOL!

So happy I was able to accomplish this route thanks to all of you.

That's how it always goes... While you're in it, all you keep asking yourself is "who the heck had this hairbrained Idea?"

And as soon as you get home it's "can't wait to do that again, when are we going back?"

I think it's like an addict with the last rock!

The start time, ending time, shuttling, the number of boats, not to mention -

2 inches less than normal water level, summertime-like heat, 22 miles and half of it some serious pushing.

A logistic nightmare made possible only by the unbelievable team effort, thanks to all

for another never-will-forget trip. 

You never disappoint Terry!!

It wouldn't have been a Halloween Invitational without the DARKNESS!

Here is 13 hours condensed into 3 minutes.  That was a great time everyone!

Invitational 2015 - Taylor Slough

Jay, you captured the mood perfectly. The daylight peeking up over the slough, looking forward to vast terrain yet to be covered, exhaustion, the sun now setting. Will we arrive at our destination though the darkness. Perfect : )

Here's Charlie and Frank frantically paddling it out in the grass on the 2015 EEN Taylor Slough Halloween Invitational run..

You got me with the wrong hat!

I'm much faster with the other one!

BTW, looking at that picture for a while REALLY messes with your head!

But do carbon fiber blades take the beating? Maybe a pole?

No damage here Kim.  I probably double poled (with two paddles) for 6 hours (maybe more) or so on this trip - no damage to carbon noted - seriously.  In most places the bottom was not real soft - but not real hard....just right.

Kim Gass said:

But do carbon fiber blades take the beating? Maybe a pole?

Now that you mention it, out of 15 boats -  kayaks (including SOTs), tandem canoes and solo canoes.

Equipment ranging from mid 1960's to the latest high tech, Mohawk 19 dollar paddles to the highest

priced anti-gravity paddles and, yes, Rob had a push pole, the entire group passed down the slough

about as good as it gets with no equipment failures.

The weakest point was our bodies, we were all spent at the end.

Proving once again, equipment helps but the bottom line is it's the paddler not the equipment.

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