Everglades Exploration Network

How to convert a GE kmz file to a GPX file & Bonus steps for Delorme PN-60 GPS users

Hello Glades Go Deep Junkies:
Many of us wonder how to convert a GE kmz file to a GPX file and preserve all the same details. I found the way. It all started with a blog post that said a kmz is just a zipped kml file. Bingo! You will need freeware GPSbabel and Winzip. The sample file name will call Trail.kmz for this discussion.

1. Copy the kmz to your folder
2. Rename the Trail.Kmz file to Trail.zip
Yes, rename the file by changing the extension.
3. Open the Trail.zip file with the Winzip software. Select "Open to here" option or use other commands to save it elsewhere. This is an unzipping of the compressed .zip zipped file.
4. Save the newly found file which is always called Doc.kml to the name Trail.kml.
5. Use GPSBabel to convert the Trail.kml to Trail.gpx ( use the conversion "Gpx xml" option)
For Delorme Pn-60 users
6. Import Trail.Gpx into Topo9, note both a track and waypoint draw layer are imported.
The track will likely be called Trail001.an2 and the Waypoints will be named Trail.
7. Synch the Track layer to GPS and Synch the Waypoint Layer to GPS.
8. Using the PN-60, Go to the home menu, Open the track Trail001 and View Track to verify the import.
9. Go to the home menu on the gps and Open the Waypoint menu, and open the waypoint file called Trail to verify the import.
This should bring in all the wonderful data like labels, tracks, icons (but may have different symbols). You are ready to print the maps and go.
Now you just have to paddle faster to read all this gps data, read the maps and keep up with Terry the Torpedo.

Enjoy your GPS,
Bill Evans

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Thanks for that Bill!

Look forward to using that in 2016
Earthmate PN60 GPS users, I saw a blog post that the Map Pack subscription can no longer be renewed online. You can contact Delorme Monday-Friday 9-6pm eastern time to renew your map pack subscription via the phone. 1-800-511-2459. The Netlink map download sunsets June 2017 and will no longer be supported.

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