Everglades Exploration Network

Going to be making a trip the middle of the month to Big cypress for a night then riding on down to Flamingo the next day for 2 nights.  Looked at the reservation system and it says the first night we are planing on being in Flamingo it is booked. Is Long Pine Key also usually full  this time of year? We wouldn't be opposed to spending the first night at LPK then driving down to Flamingo the next morning. Thanks

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Dennis, you can always camp in Flamingo on the "big field" if the reserved spaces are booked. It's been nice lately, people are out there. Long Pine is gonna be busy no doubt!

This is a view of the camping field in Flamingo:

(click pic for interactive panorama)


Thanks Flex. Not real crazy about not having the bikes parked near the tents so would like to have a site. Going to go to my friends tonight and figure out what we want to do. We are really wanting to ride in on the bikes. We have both spent many nights at Alligator Creek and at Flamingo so not camping 2 nights isn't that big a deal. Maybe do 2 in Big Cypress. Never been busy when i was down. I've had an entire loop to myself for 3 nights before, in the winter.

LPK usually books up faster than  Flamingo.

Is it Presidents' Day Weekend? Sometimes when they fill up deep for the big weekends, they'll open up the back loops.

By the way Flex, can tell what year that shot was taken...the Eco Tent is dating you!

It is Presidents day weekend. I called and talked to a ranger. She said they only put some of the sites up for reservation the rest are first come first serve and we shouldn't have a problem. Can't wait . I haven't been down in almost 5 years. The eco-tent wasn't there the last time I was down.

Lol .. yeah t'was 2013 I believe. If only the Eco Tent had no-see-um netting it might still be there! ;)

yakmaster said:

LPK usually books up faster than  Flamingo.

Is it Presidents' Day Weekend? Sometimes when they fill up deep for the big weekends, they'll open up the back loops.

By the way Flex, can tell what year that shot was taken...the Eco Tent is dating you!

Made it back home. No problem getting a site. A loop was busy but we were one of 5 sites n B loop. Mosquitos were bad. What a great ride. Got blasted by one of the big sprinklers mounted on the back of a truck just before we entered Everglades NP. I was in the front and it hit the windshield on my bike directly. I looked back and couldn't see my friend then he burst out of a wall of water was. Gave us a good laugh.


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