Views: 624
I wanted to take a picture of that so I can show it around but I didnt have my camera. May I use your picture? Do you have any more pics? I will try and find out. Its curious the way its open on the bottom.
The Loop Unit is walk in only. Whoever lugged it out there, didnt want to lug it back out when it was no longer needed.
Does anybody know how long it has been there? I dont remember seeing it years ago but I could have missed it, I guess.
Absolutely, would like to get to the bottom of it. That's the only picture I have.
Dale said:
I wanted to take a picture of that so I can show it around but I didnt have my camera. May I use your picture? I will try and find out. I hope its not a hog trap.
thats a red light speed trap...
probably a cage trap for small game? trappings illegal so not worth the risk of seasonally removing/returning.
some of the small (legal) game listed on hunting page for big cypress -for HUNTING:
Gray squirrel, quail, rabbit, raccoon, opossum, armadillo, beaver, coyote,
skunk, nutria
pretty much any of these could fit that cage. did it have any openings?
heres a deer in a cage trap slightly larger than that
Its hard to tell by the pic but when I saw it, it appeared to be open and easily accessed by hogs or small animals in the dry season and maybe not so easily accessed by deer. Its open all around the bottom. The chain link doesnt reach the ground so I think whatever went in, could easily come out, but Im just guessing.
Could it be to bait specific animals?
shawn beightol said:
did it have any openings?
A ranger who guided our walk here back in February said it was an abandoned research experiment. When it was finished, the scientists left their stuff there for some reason (too much trouble to cart it out again?).
Wow...just as I suspected. I wonder what kind of experiment? I agree, it was probably dropped off by helicopter and its no longer being used. I wonder if this matches with the other cages discovered in the BCNP?
M.A.P. said:
A ranger who guided our walk here back in February said it was an abandoned research experiment. When it was finished, the scientists left their s They may have dropped it off by helicoptertuff there for some reason (too much trouble to cart it out again?).
I met the people who built the camp there, I took them out to their old camp before they left Miami. They have retired upstate, that cage has been there as long as I have been hiking the trail,(1989-90?) it may have even been something to secure stuff from theft, they said people would even steal their frying pans from the cabin. Or they would throw everything out of the cabin and into the woods. Their radio antenna wire was still running up one of the trees right next to the trail.
Where was the camp located... the same location as the cage structure?
Yes, all the those ferns cover it. The lumber is probably rotted by now, it used to be visible. That spur used to be much wider dry land, the water is washing it away. Especially after the 2005 storms, big hardwoods went down, their roots washed away.They used to drive in from where Clyde Butcher is now, formerly Orchid Isles. Talked about it being so dry out there their buggies would leave a dust cloud driving across the prairie.
Thanks Nina. Abandoned research experiment or hunt camp? It does explain why the fence doesnt reach the ground. It may have rusted away or the ground eroded away. If its an abandoned camp then there will be a pipe for a water pump that can be salvaged if permission can be obtained from the NPS..
Im thinking of heading out to Gator Hook Saturday to make sure its ready. The weather is perfect for hiking, Anyone wanna go? Keep in mind its not a beginners trail.
I'm tied up this Saturday (and Sundays are my scouting days), but if you don't make it out there this week I'd be up for it next Saturday. I'd like to help you find that pump island. I bet my buddy Scott would be up for it too.
Dale said:
Thanks Nina. Abandoned research experiment or hunt camp? It does explain why the fence doesnt reach the ground. It may have rusted away or the ground eroded away. If its an abandoned camp then there will be a pipe for a water pump that can be salvaged if permission can be obtained from the NPS..
Im thinking of heading out to Gator Hook Saturday to make sure its ready. The weather is perfect for hiking, Anyone wanna go? Keep in mind its not a beginners trail.
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