Everglades Exploration Network


My name is Rolando Perez. I have been kayaking and hiking the last 5 years but it is difficult to find people that like to go off the beaten path. I found about the site by Shawn Beightol on Facebook. I have been following his quest to found Fort Harrell. I love history and outdoors and it will be great to combine the two hiking to find Indian mounds, old forts or battle field sites etc. I am still learning how to use the site so I don't know how you post or recruit people for upcoming trips? if you guys have any in the coming months let me know.       

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Welcome. You wont have any trouble finding adventurous people here. Its the summer now and not the best time. The FTA always has hiking events and usually posts them. Any unknown Indian mounds are best left that way. The search for old fort locations continues.  There are a few missing. My thing is trying to find the old trails. They disappear so quickly.


I just finished the book Indian Mounds You Can Visit: 165 Aboriginal Sites on Florida's West Coast and got really exited about the Indian mounds lol. I recommend that book to anyone interested on that subject. You are right so much destruction and looting has been done to the mounds that any one unknown is best left that way.  Is there a place on the forum that you guys list the upcoming trips so members can join?. Thanks 

I dont know but I also have had a difficult time trying to convince my friends to go with me. I wish there was a place like this when I was younger. Im getting older now but I plan on hiking until the wheels fall off. I have met some very nice people from this site and they have also impressed me.

Aw Hell Dale, you're not getting older...

You're getting old as HECK! (see Keith, I can behave)

But you're still getting better & finding new things to share every day!!!!!

Fall's around the corner & we'll be going deep again soon!

Welcome to the DeepEx Rolando!!!

Getting old is not for wimps lol. Keith may be in Chokoloski this weekend. I aint waitin for Fall yakmaster. Im going out to live in the swamp in mid-August-- the best time to see panthers. Im not afraid but I hope not to see too many more of them being how Im out there alone.  I dont like Diamondbacks either but they have a right to crawl under my camper I guess. It only takes one careless moment. The Addition Lands will be open for hunting by October on a very limited basis under tight restrictions and I will be living there in my little Scotty for 4 or 7 months.  I hope to have an interesting experience and something to share please stop by to visit me at mile marker 51.  I call it "Area 51" in Loonyville. I should be set up inside the gate in the new parking lot.  http://www.miamiherald.com/2014/06/21/4193283/hunters-on-verge-of-n...


Great news Dale! Bet there's some big bucks in there! I'll definitely be putting in for the permit.

Dale said:

Getting old is not for wimps lol. Keith may be in Chokoloski this weekend. I aint waitin for Fall yakmaster. Im going out to live in the swamp in mid-August-- the best time to see panthers. Im not afraid but I hope not to see too many more of them being how Im out there alone.  I dont like Diamondbacks either but they have a right to crawl under my camper I guess. It only takes one careless moment. The Addition Lands will be open for hunting by October on a very limited basis under tight restrictions and I will be living there in my little Scotty for 4 or 7 months.  I hope to have an interesting experience and something to share please stop by to visit me at mile marker 51.  I call it "Area 51" in Loonyville. I should be set up inside the gate in the new parking lot.  http://www.miamiherald.com/2014/06/21/4193283/hunters-on-verge-of-n...


I just posted two opportunities for a swamp slog:  

1 day slog ~ 7 miles TBA (any day next week through August 2nd other than sat/sun/mon July 26-28) - Sweetwater Recon

3 day Sweetwater bushwhack/kayak based on results of above recon August 7-9.

I just got word that Im not going to the Additions but I will be going back to Bear Island in mid August. Thats about 20 miles up Turner River (dirt) Road for anyone that wants to visit..

Well I'll certainly see you soon Dale. Counting down the days til archery season!

Dale said:

I just got word that Im not going to the Additions but I will be going back to Bear Island in mid August. Thats about 20 miles up Turner River (dirt) Road for anyone that wants to visit..

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