Everglades Exploration Network

Went out to Tiger Key and back yesterday and today and talked to a ranger that said the Crooked Creek Chickee is open for business and the Sunday Bay Chickee is gone. I know it's a sad one for those of us that got to sit on that wonderful bench after a long days paddle or finishing the waterway. RIP!

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My great memory of that bench is sitting on it in the middle of the night gazing south across the bioluminescent bay at the full Southern Cross just above the horizon.

Well, glad I visited the site before I headed down there next week. I was planning on using Sunday Bay. I had no idea it was closed. Why did they close it? I'm guessing because it was hard to get to in a low tide. 

Even though it was popular, I've spent a few solo nights on that chickee. It was one of my favorites. 

I'm guessing Crooked Creek Chickee is actually on Crooked Creek. I don't see anything on the Everglades Wilderness Planner pdf yet. Looks like I will try to book a night there instead. Nothing like breaking in a fresh port-o-john. 

Apparantly its been there a month now. I just stayed there on the 30th Nov. It is on the north side of the little island by marker 126. It has a nice shelf for the "kitchen" on one side , a really good idea.


Just got a new book by the title of "Paddling the Everglades Wildernes Waterway"- your all in one guide to Florida's 99 mile treasure plus 17 day & overnight trips.


Needed something to qualify for free supersaver shipping & it seemed to fit the bill. I hadn't heard of it, but now I crack it and find that they are talking about the crooked creek chickee...so I guess this is the latest and/or greatest everglades guide since the new Malloy came out!


Anybody know Holly Genzen or Anne McCrary Sullivan?


Looks good, I'll tell you what I think after a couple of library reviews...you know I only get to read a couple of pages per library session...

I met the authors at their book signing a few months ago in Coral Gables. Very nice ladies that obviously love the Everglades. I think they did a fine job with the book, although it is nowhere near as comprehensive as Johnny Molloy's which includes the entire park as well as the preserve area of the 10,000 islands. But Genzen and Sullivan's book is definitely the most up to date at this time.


I met these 2 ladies in february 2011 at Graveyard Creek campsite. They were paddling an Old Town Penobscot 16. They sent me a couple of pictures of me heading out in the morning. Nice to get some pics of yourself paddling when on a solo trip.


The park staff hope you enjoy the new campsite at Crooked Creek. Yes, it was moved to provide better water access. We have actually had paddlers stuck in the mud trying to navigate Sunday Bay.

Thanks for the hard work & Merry Christmas!


Time to go check out the new crib!

Thank you very much! I got stuck in the mud once but it was because I fell off the Sunday Bay chickee....oops.

I stayed on the chickee this week. It was spacious and I liked the cooking tables they built. It seemed a little high up but that could have been the tide. While it doesn't have the view that Sunday Bay has, it wasn't too shabby. I was cooking dinner when  I heard an explosion right next to the chickee. It turned out to be about three dolphin herding bait up the creek. It was a pretty awesome sight watching hundreds of thousands of finger mullet explode out of the water while flipper had a feast. 




sweet swc hoodie!  Looks like you caught some good snook, what did you catch them on?

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