Everglades Exploration Network


I just bought the new book "Paddling the Everglades Wilderness Waterway" from Holly Genzen and Anne McCrary and to my surprise it includes a new chickee near Crooked Creek, it says it replaces Sunday Bay Chickee.


My guess is that it must be near completion; has anyone been in the area recently?

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Yes, they are still working on it as of a couple of months ago but hopefully it will be built by the time the new season. Although I love Lopez, this might be a fun place to stay and closer to better fishing in that area. 


I went to Holly and Annes book signing when they were here in Coral Gables. Nice ladies and good information for people concentrating just on the wilderness waterway.

Great to have another site in that area, and Crooked Creek will be a great close-in option. But would they really do away with Sunday Bay chickee?
Ross, it is my understanding that the Sunday Bay chickee will be removed. The cove where it sits is probablamatic for maintenance and porta potty service by the barge boat because it is so shallow. When the strong N/NE winds blow there is little water left in that area.
Hopefully they take the bench from Sunday Bay and put it in the new one. That made that chickee one of the better ones, not to mention most comfortable.
Just camped at Crooked Creek a couple days ago. Nice new Chickee, but the bench was not there. Although each side does have a shelf about 4ft x 15in, this is good for water containers and cooking on.

Is it on the WW or a way down Crooked Creek?

If going from Lopez down the WW, when you reach marker 126 look to the left.  You will see a "no wake" sign.  The chickee is just around the corner behind the sign. 

I have realized that with only 2 to 3 nights of camping, I can't get to far from Flamingo.  My canoe braved Whitewater bay this past Dec 12-13, 2014 and it was a real bear in the wind and chop.  So I am now looking at exploring the north part of the WWW. I am thinking of Lopez, Crooked Creek, Sweetwater, Opposum, Watson Place. Not sure if those limits are doable in three nights. What do you think?

Anyone have coordinates of Lopez and Crooked Creek?

You could do crooked creek, watson place, pavilion key.

Do Lopez or Crooked( incoming tide if you can swing it).  Then Watson, then on an outgoing tide to Pavilion. If the tides don't work that way reverse the route.

The wind can be a problem in this area too so paddling right after sunup or even before is a good idea. And quite doable.

Thanks for the tips. Guess I should plan weekends with the correct tides. Now I know why you all break camp before sunrise on your trips.  I took your advice on the hot water in the thermos for the next morning coffee and hot cereal. That saves a lot of time in the morning.

Does anyone park at Turner Creek overnight? or not a great idea.

I havent and don't know if it is allowed.  Its awfully public though and not gated.

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