Everglades Exploration Network

Just a little self promotion, but would like to invite all members here to come visit my exhibit that will be displayed at the Pauline Reeves Gallery in the Museum of the Everglades located in Everglades City through the month of November, starting Nov 5th.

The invitations are not yet out, but there will be an artist reception on Nov 9, 1-3 pm. Come visit, maybe grab some stone crab for lunch or better yet, put your boat in the water in the morning before that.

The link to the gallery is http://www.evergladesmuseum.org/GALLERY.htm, where you can view a brochure for upcoming events.

Here is one image that will be displayed.
Thank you and hope to see you at the gallery.

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From one artist to another Connie congratulations. Gallery openings are special IMO as your work is judged by knowledgable people as worthy of special consideration. I have been to several openings and would like to attend and meet you and view your work but alas tis a bit fer.

Speaking of opening.....it is nine o'clock and time to assume the position (I am at the south Miami art show).

Good luck and enjoy yourself.

Spectacular - can't wait to see it!!

Thanks Alan. Are you a photographer? Jay, thank you. Hope you and your wife got out on the water this past weekend.

I certainly hope to find myself in the area this month to see your work in person, have a great opening Connie!

Thanks Flex!

The opening went very well. It was a good turnout with some Everglades veterans attending. For more on that and the topic of the flamingos, please check out my blog here. Thank you and if you are in Everglades City in November, stop at the Museum of the Everglades to see my exhibit.


Ann an I will be dropping by after our paddle on Sunday.  Can't wait!


Jay, unfortunately, the museum is closed on Sunday and Monday!



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