Everglades Exploration Network

I saw these structures while plotting a route in GE. They are nowhere near anything. Somewhere in between Lane Bay and Roberts River.

Does anyone know what they are?

They don't look your typical water monitoring station...


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White pelicans?

Without a doubt, birds.

Have you been through the Maze before?

It's an aMazing (ha) area.  It's the most confusing navigating

there is.   It's similar to the Labyrinth in structure, many confusing

passages between large bodies of water, but the navigation is totally

different.   The Labyrinth entrances go in and branch out but connect

again to come out the other side, you almost can't get lost.   All you have

to do is stay on a heading and eventually you'll come out the other side.

Kind of like our circulatory system in our bodies, it all connects.

But the Maze is the opposite, the few entrances open up to many smaller

passages that eventually do not connect, there's only a few connecting routes

with many dead ends.  I have crisscrossed the Maze many times and it's always

the hardest to navigate.   I have to stay glued to my GPS and I have never made

it through there without having to backtrack at least once.

You'll love it, it's truly a maze.

I looked at that area after planning my camp route from Lane River to Roberts River.  There is a very wide waterway you can take up to that area and would make a very nice day trip from Lane Bay Chickee.  Too bad you can only stay at that Chickee for one night. The option would be to go up that way and find a connector to the Roberts River chickee.  When I have more time will look at that area more so I can include it in my next seasons explorations.

All of the Maze is open and deep enough water to even run a small powerboat.

The bottom line is, if you see in on GE, it'll work.

That might be part of why the Maze is hard to navigate, everything looks good

right up to the point that it's a dead end.

I realized you could get from Lane Bay chickee to Roberts River chickee through the backcountry mazes the whole way. Makes for many new route possibilities. I would like to do a trip around the eastern and northern perimeter of Whitewater Bay and stay exclusively in the backcountry. I haven't done the labyrinth yet but back behind Lard Can towards the Main Road is pretty cool.

Terry said:

All of the Maze is open and deep enough water to even run a small powerboat.

The bottom line is, if you see in on GE, it'll work.

That might be part of why the Maze is hard to navigate, everything looks good

right up to the point that it's a dead end.

Yup.  You can completely avoid Whitewater Bay.

Look up Old Camp Route and North Watson River Route on this website.

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