Everglades Exploration Network

I tried to head north on the Turner River canoe trail Friday afternoon and found it very slow going.  The river on the northside of Tamiami Trail is completely overchoked with weeds. I think its Hydrilla.  Does anyone know anything about this? 

I couldnt get upstream where I wanted to go. I had no choice but to go south which was better but I noticed there didnt seem to be any current even though the water level was high. Was this because of the high tide and full moon?  Could the tide affect the river flow this far upstream?..

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Turner River Closure Due to Low Water Levels

Date: March 5, 2014
Contact: Bob DeGross, 239-695-1107

Effective close of business March 10, 2014, Turner River canoe launch will be closed to all activities due to low water levels.This management action is being implemented to minimize potential impacts to the resource and ensure a quality visitor experience.

Commercial operators who are permitted to use Halfway Creek have moved  their operations to that site. The National Park Service recommends that all other visitors use Halfway Creek as an alternative to Turner River.

For information on canoe trails within Big Cypress, please click here.

For more information, please call our visitor centers at 239-695-4758, or 239-695-1201.

Has anyone paddled the Turner River lately? I'm planning on taking a group out this Saturday, the rangers say its open but were concerned that high water levels would not allow canoes to go under the bridge.

Long as we're checking, how's the hydrilla situation in the lake north (upstream) of the putin?

I went down there to check it out today. The water is high but the bridge is not a problem. The first tunnel after the second pond is very hard to get through due to low branches and snags in the water. It would take less than a day to clear it out. The hydrilla is not a big problem I paddled north until the river flows into the forrest with no problem.

Thanks for the update Bob!

The season is upon us!

We paddled turner river sunday in the canoe from keith from 41 to chokoloski stopping at the picnic tables, several sand bars and the shell mound and it was fun. Im ready for my first overnite canoe trip in the WW but not sure if i can paddle the canoe myself.

Canoe camping is great, you can bring all those items you had to leave out of your hiking pack.

I think Turner River is a great first canoe trail.

I met some people on the Florida Trail the other day who said they wanted to paddle the Turner River Canoe Trail at night on a full moon...

I have done a lot of night hiking (and still do) before the daysof GPS technology under the full moon. Turn the flashlight off so your eyes can adjust, red light only if needed. I learned to recognize certain trees or tree lines, particularly large trees. Trails in the water can be seen without a light as the moon reflects off. I see no reason why a night trip cannot be made down the Turner River.

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