Everglades Exploration Network

Date: Aug. 29, 2009

Location: The put-in for the Bear Lake Canoe Trail is located about 1.75 miles north of Flamingo, at the end of the Bear Lake Road, which parallels the Buttonwoood Canal. There is a parking area at the end of the road, and it's a short drive west to the dock at the put-in. The Trail can be also be reached by boat from Buttonwood Canal by landing at the dock on the canal, and then portaging about 250 yards to the put-in.

Condition: Bear lake Trail is now clear and passable for it's entire length out to Bear Lake, about 1.6 miles, The Homestead Canal beyond Bear Lake is still blocked by storm debris, and this will be the next stage of the ongoing clearing project. Please note that the gate to the Bear Lake Road is normally locked during the off-seaon, and the road is currently in very poor condition. The Park service usually mows the roadside and fills in the worst of the potholes at the start of the fall season.

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That's O.K. my brother and I will be around bear lake next weekend, and we will be more then happy to make them put back the fish in the water. Look forward to running into them!
Miami101, What route are you planning to take back there? The road is still locked. You can get there through Mud Lake or by doing the portage from Buttonwood canal. Our friends lift their bikes over the gate. They were not back there yesterday afternoon but there was sign. The canal out to Bear is real clear until the last 1/10th of a mile. We pulled some big trees out yesterday but there are still some in there. We have another engagement next Sat so you will be the Keeper for the day.
Is there an official opening date yet? I'd love to schedule a celebratory paddle the first open weekend.
I might be coming out with you guys to work on the Bear Lake project.... I faxed in my info, but no one has called me yet.

I will be there this week end Sunday coming in from Mud lake into Bear lake, and maybe into the wood if the winds are not to bad. I have no issues inspecting, nor letting people know where I stand on keeping fish out of season. I have my radio also that I can call it in.

It really bugs me to see people like keeping fish out of season. The Everglades is a holy place for me, and I hope to one day take my son there, and show him God's land.
Leave the law enforcement to the rangers so you'll still be alive to take your son there.
Miami 101, Love the sentiment, I too feel strongly about the glades and in particular, since it has lots of my sweat and some of my blood, the BLCT. Unfortunately, enforcement actions by other than park law enforcement could actually hurt the trail and our sanctioned efforts to help the park staff to do future trail clearing. So let's give the LE staff an opportunity to handle these guys.

Also, email me at bquirk@aol.com about your application to join us. We need to talk. Also unfortunate is the timing of your trip. This weekend Tom and I are involved in a python hunt in the northern everglades so we won't be out there. Please, try when you get through Mud Lake to paddle east on the trail. The first hundred yards is still challenging but after that it is wide open. We left several overhead downed trees accross the trail for aesthetic reasons. Check them out when you go under them you will see lots of bromiliads and some orchids an occasional tree frog and who knows what else. The downed overhead trees also add some mystique to the trail, breaking up the view down the trail and preserving the sense of mystery about what is around the next "bend". By the way the bugs have been few this month I have not had my head net on for quite some time.

So email me and we can set up a time to meet and enjoy some everglades adventures.
I understand we have to let LE staff handle them, but I always have my radio ready to call them.
I'll send you an e-mail, and note I love the bugs.........they keep people away! LOL
I just got back from my trip, and wow it was lots of fun. All I have to say is thanks to those that have done a great job on the Home Stead Canal. No luck with the Black drum in bear lake it is on my list. Maybe next time. did not know it did not connect to button wood, but had fun moving my Kayak a few yards, and how t get to button wood canal. I really like Mud Lake...
Question ddoes anyone know if Slage Ditch, or House Ditch connect from Bear Lake to the Ocean.
Also has anyone thought about a path from the back of Bear Lake to bypass the part of Home Stead Canal to later reconnect on the canel on the part that look O.K., or take Slage, or House out. I thought this might be less work to complete, and provide 3 total loops.

Included map:
Tried House Ditch three weeks ago and hit a dead end after a few workarounds. With a little more work, you may be able to push through if you go right at the second split. There was some light ahead but we were just messing around and running out of time.

Slagle Ditch is supposedly impassable, or so say a couple of park rangers. However, a few folks have made their way back to Gator Lake in the past few weeks. According to some parks folks, they believe they made their way via East Cape Canal and then found their way around the top of the Homestead Canal. Not sure how reliable that info is though since the canal is said to be impassable as well.

Let me know if you have any luck. We may make an attempt to reach Gator Lake in a few weeks. If so, I'll post the route details.
Slagle Ditch was impassable even back in the 1970's, however, in the 1970's and
1980's we would paddle routinely from Bear Lake out Homestead Canal, across
Raulerson's Prairie and out East Cape Canal or House Ditch. In fact, that was
the only way we would paddle to Cape Sable. I also came in House Ditch and
went to Slagle's Development on the island just inside Slagle's Ditch. His
development shows on the boating chart has canals cut through the island.
It's there, significant canals and fill, it's unbelievable to sit on top of some
of those fills and think about the effort someone put into their dreams....as
is with all of the remote development plans.

Reopening Homestead Canal or cutting across Bear Lake on the southwest
side to get back a inshore paddleable route to Cape Sable is high on
everybody's list to do. It won't be easy. Homestead Canal west of Bear Lake
is just as grown over and full of downed trees as the segment from the
parking lot to Bear Lake. I have not surveyed the southwest side of Bear Lake,
connecting all those smaller lakes to get out to Raulerson's Prairie but from
what I hear is those 'lakes' are not lakes but large areas of mud. Paddlers
who have reported back say there isn't any water in there. None-the-less, yes,
the entire area between West Lake and East Cape Canal needs, begs, to
be throughly probed.
I have often studied the Google earth immages of the west end of Bear Lake. I appears there are some canals that may connect thru to the Gator Lake area. I am sure some clearing will be required. Miami 101 did you poke back in the canal west of bear Lake? the Mangroves are taller back there and it's almost like a big cathedral. Unfortunately numerous wood piles block the way. That 3 mile section of the canal north of Bear lake will take years to clear. So if there is a way of using Bear Lake to bypass that section and connect back in later, perhaps near the fox lakes it would be worth exploring. My last trip to the canal was short but productive we managed to remove the live red mangrove just before the Mud Lake turn and a sumerged buttonwood which laid under an inviting dead arch so now your canoe won't get stuck. We met up with our "friends" out there and their dogs, yes unleashed dogs, accosted Tom on the trail, I thought they ate him. I was in the canoe several hundred yards back and the barking was alarming. we had enforcement meet them at the gate after removing a contractor bag full of trash. The crap and TP is still back there.

I left Bear Lake in the Canoe after sunset. It's not the first time I've paddled the trail after sunset but it is the first time I have done the whole distance from Bear Lake. It is definately a must do. The last word I got was that the matenance dept is going to work on the road this week and open the gate around the 15th.

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