Everglades Exploration Network

Considering heading down to the Big Cypress this weekend and wondering about the water level. Thinking of possibly heading into the area south of 441. Maybe check out gator hook trail. Nothing set in stone. Thanks Dennis

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Gator hook is O.K. once you get on the Path...Camp sites deep inside kind of wet. Most trails are under water, and some areas can get deep. Keep in mind hunting is in progress......

How far did you get?  I plan on hiking the trail soon. We need some log bridges to cross the washouts. The NPS had plans of a boardwalk but it may have been scrapped.

Its archery season but no need to worry about hunters. There are so few deer and hogs now inside the Loop Unit because of the pythons and panther onslaught that very few bother to hunt the area and I seriously doubt you will encounter any hunters off the Gator Hook Trail.  Most hunters now go to Turner River or Deep Lake Units. But if you do encounter a hunter, you will find them to be very nice people. Afterall it was the hunters that gave up their land and saved the Big Cypress from development. They could have sided with developers but chose not to. No amount of money could sway them from preservation.. Dont worry about disturbing a hunter. The trails are open to everybody. No person or group is excluded from enjoying this amazing area. .

The panthers have moved north but I did encounter one skinny cat last year at Monroe Station. The pines near Monroe Station still support a small healthy deer herd. Hunters harvest about 300 buck deer a year but the panthers kill 5000 deer a year of either sex.

The Pythons are still a problem. We dont know how many deer are eaten. The Indians killed a 17 footer on Tamiami Trail at the Dade/Collier county line. It had hog hooves and tusks in its digestive track. The Miccosukis saved the skin for display. 


Good info I have been in the area almost ever other week end. On the Gator I went up to the Camp site after the hand help pump. I did some good deer photos from that area, and Orchid this year. I just posted up some photos from that area. I will post more soon.

Question did you get the job in the new lands? I want to explorer more in that area.

Cool pics.  Its good to know you were able to reach the benches camp site because the water is very high.  

I did not start working in the new addition lands because everything is not yet settled. Its on hold for now..

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