Everglades Exploration Network

Vivian asked on 26 January "...is the Fakahatchee River open?", I take that as an

invitation to the next probe.   Faka Union River and East River shown here as

white lines are open excellent canoe routes.  The Fakahatchee River, the blue line, has

the best landing and would make another great addition to a loop trip connecting with

either Faka Union or East River.  The only little reconnaissance I have heard so far is

it's closed up.   Does anybody know anything about the Fakahatchee River from

Tamiami Trail down to Fakahatchee Bay?

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The Collier County Sheriff also placed those notices on every car at Monroe Station a couple months ago. He wants to keep people aware not to leave valuables in plain view.. I think there was a break-in at Kirby Storter a while back.

If anyone wants to follow along - the map should become active when I turn on the device tomorrow (Monday) afternoon.

Probe 2


I'm sorry I did not get to post last night, but I got back too late. There is not much adventure to be had when coming up from below. The west branch is as open as it has always been - chainsawed and strong flowing. The USGS tide station/ sicience project structure is still there but has been taken out of service, but someone else is obviously still using the route... possibly crabbers.. I followed the branch about half way to the lakes, but got tired of dragging my heavy tandem over logs- the extreme winter low tides are the only challenge that I can forsee for your probe. The afternoon incoming tide surely covered said logs and should make for a much quicker assent..

Jay said:

If anyone wants to follow along - the map should become active when I turn on the device tomorrow (Monday) afternoon.

Probe 2

Thanks Gary.  I appreciate the info.

That's the way we found other creeks and rivers over there - huge tunnels, powerboat tunnels.

Jay, get to that lake and if you find cuts going any where north and east, you're on it.

You just may make it all the way to where you ended a few weeks ago and have the whole

thing surveyed.

Thanks Gary.

Thanks Terry.  I think that with the tides I have, I might try going up the river this afternoon - If I can get out of here early enough.  That will leave tomorrow to explore other options.

You guys are getting wild!

Jay's spot is showing him clearing the East River so hopefully will get to fakahatchee island before dark.

He's a dog with a bone, he can't wait, he's going up Fakahatchee River after 17:00.

No telling when he'll set up camp.

A surveying monster just turn him lose, I'll bet he maps the whole thing

before he comes home.

According to his spot he just made it to fakahatchee island. it also shows he did go into the river mouth halfway to the fork and turned around.

It appears he wasn't convinced with the lake off the west fork, he didn't go northeast

very far and then probed other ways out of that lake.   It appears he aborted the west

fork and he's now up the east fork.   I can feel his frustration.

Hmmmm....there's still plenty of unknown.

Man I need to learn this new technology.

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