Everglades Exploration Network

Tarpon Lake Day Hike Saturday June 1 hosted via Happy Hoofers-FTA

Where to meet:
We will meet at the Publix Super Market at Glade Crossing 2465 Glades Circle Weston, FL 33327 at exit 22 off of I-75 at 6:30 AM Saturday June 1St where we will carpool to the hike area. Please be forewarned that this will be a wet hike. Yes your feet will get wet. If you have an aversion to water this may not be the hike for you. You will also see an Eagle’s nest, bear tracks, and one of the nicest deep water lakes in the Big Cypress. Please see Esther's great pictures below for a sample of what to expect.

http://mapq.st/18f4SXG Map to Publix
Alligator Alley recreation area, 2.3 miles west of the Miccosukkee Service Plaza at Snake Road/Government Road/W State Road 84
  • Celebrate "National Trails Day" with this amazing 5 mile hike, that will take you through some beautiful areas of northern Big Cypress and end at beautiful, remote & lovely Tarpon Lake, which is rarely visited and unknown to most.

    Please note the 7:30am start time and plan to arrive by 7:15am! We'll have ankle deep water in some sections of this hike.

    This new(ish) recreation area is around mile marker 52 and about mid way across Alligator Alley. We normally meet at mile marker 63 rest area, so this is 11... miles closer to you :)

    Please come out for this exciting hike to show your support for TRAILS DAY and explore a seldom visited area within Big Cypress National Preserve.

    David Denham is leading this hike, along with several other awesome ACTIVITY LEADERS from the FTA. I plan to join as well, but will be breaking off a little early.

    Bring: 64 oz water, small backpack/day pack, snacks (maybe lunch), a hat, etc.

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How can we view Esther's pictures?

I was wondering the same

join the Happy hoofers facebook page and I will ok you

I'm not a Facebook participant. I guess I'll just have to go and see for myself someday.

Your welcome to come on any of our hikes but we don't start up again until Oct.

Can you post the facebook link?  I cannot find it.


I dont start up again until late August although Im thinking of one last hike somewhere maybe Gator Hook some unfinished business on the trail... 


Have you hiked the Gator Hook Trail lately Larry?  I noticed a group of 11 FTA people hiked from the Gator Hook trailhead to Oasis according to the backcountry pass. . I wondered if they had any trouble following my trail of ribbons.


No I haven't been down that way in awhile.

October should be a bit drier for hiking.

Water is usually still high in October and mosquitos heavy but hopefully an early mild cold front would make it bearable.

Dallas said:

October should be a bit drier for hiking.

October is a knuckle ball month some cold spots maybe, but usually hot. We used to schedule our work hikes for Oct but we've moved that sort of activity now to Nov.

I agree usually hot and the water is still up. I love the clear flowing water for bathing and refreshing off the Loop Road culverts but not so much for hiking. The first good cool front is usually around Nov 12ish.


I have a little story.  I had been in the swamp for several hot days in early November and needed a bath real bad unfortunately a very cold front moved in that evening. I pulled my truck up to a favorite flowing culvert off the Loop Road and set my gas lantern on the roof. I was fulling expecting cold water, as I checked the pipe for gators, I gently eased myself in. But to my surprise the water was warm. The shallow sheetflow of water was still very warm from the sun beating down all month. . It was like a hot tub. So beautiful I did not want to get out of the water that night.


Its these little experiences that keep me coming back for more.

Dallas, I hate facebook myself, I no longer use it however I do have an account.  There are some great photos of the new parking area and the hike out including pictures of Tarpon Lake. It looks as if the lake may be natural. You can create an account but you dont have to use it.


Thanks Larry for the link.

I am a bit surprised at the casual dress (beach shorts and sandals) of some of the participants.  Are those garden shoes/rubber clogs good for hiking? 


Dallas said:

I'm not a Facebook participant. I guess I'll just have to go and see for myself someday.

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