Everglades Exploration Network

Does anyone know what this structure is? It appears to be a cage anchored to the ground. You've probably seen it along the Florida Trail inside Robert's Lake Strand. I couldn't quite figure it out and I found it strange that it's been left out there.

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What is this pump island you speak of?

Richard said:

I'm tied up this Saturday (and Sundays are my scouting days), but if you don't make it out there this week I'd be up for it next Saturday. I'd like to help you find that pump island. I bet my buddy Scott would be up for it too.
Dale said:

Thanks Nina. Abandoned research experiment or hunt camp? It does explain why the fence doesnt reach the ground. It may have rusted away or the ground eroded away. If its an abandoned camp then there will be a pipe for a water pump that can be salvaged if permission can be obtained from the NPS..

Im thinking of heading out to Gator Hook Saturday to make sure its ready. The weather is perfect for hiking,  Anyone wanna go? Keep in mind its not a beginners trail.

According to Dale there was a pump island possibly off one of the old spurs on Gator Hook. See the 'May trip - Gator Hook to Roberts Lake Strand' discussion. Dale posted a good description of it on January 31st.

Nina Dupuy said:

What is this pump island you speak of?

Richard said:

I'm tied up this Saturday (and Sundays are my scouting days), but if you don't make it out there this week I'd be up for it next Saturday. I'd like to help you find that pump island. I bet my buddy Scott would be up for it too.
Dale said:

Thanks Nina. Abandoned research experiment or hunt camp? It does explain why the fence doesnt reach the ground. It may have rusted away or the ground eroded away. If its an abandoned camp then there will be a pipe for a water pump that can be salvaged if permission can be obtained from the NPS..

Im thinking of heading out to Gator Hook Saturday to make sure its ready. The weather is perfect for hiking,  Anyone wanna go? Keep in mind its not a beginners trail.

Do you know where it is Nina? Its not far past the bench builders camp but I can't find it. Last visited the camp in 1989-1990. Pots and pans everywhere. I posted an old photo here several times.

Past, as in east on the tramway? Is it off the tramway  on a spur? I still have to get with you on the maps.  I just met a seasonal ranger, she walked the trail, she said she only got held up in one spot for about a half hour and then found the trail. People are going through. I want to go out there and camp and be able to spend a little time looking around, any suggestions on locations?

Its east of the benches , most likely south of the trail but before the center of the W. I'm just guessing that its on a spur. I have not been able to locate it since 89, 90 and I have tried. I'm sure its still there. The island has some large Paradise trees. I can't post a map I'm on a cellphone. I have your number Nina and I'm looking forward to coordinating with you.
I drew a red circle for the suspected area a few pages back. I will fix the ribbons tomorrow. I have yellow ribbons now. I think its a neat trail.

Its a wonderful trail, I sure wish we could zoom in closer with GoogleEarth to see stuff, like tree types. Thanks so much for pushing it through, it is a treasure. I'll see if I can find your red circle.

The pump was not far from the main tram. We used to hike to the island, hunt a bit , fill my canteen and walk back. I'm sure its still there somewhere. I like the trail. I hope the NPS approves.
Oops the map with the red circle is on the long Gator Hook thread.

I was looking for the Gator hook thread and couldn't find it. I just presumed that was where it was.

The main thread was started by Keith and is titled May Trip- Gator Hook to Roberts Lakes Strand.

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