Everglades Exploration Network

I have a mind to try and reach Robert's Lakes Strand from the Gator Hook Trail on the Monroe Station leg of the Loop. I know the Fl. Scenic Trail runs through the Strand on the eastern end but I have yet to hear of anybody coming in from the west. The first couple of miles of the old Gator Hook logging tram that runs southeast off the Loop has been cleared, but it's all wild after that. The line of the tram is still evident after the cleared path runs out, and I was able to follow it for about another half-mile but it gets pretty boggy in places. Anybody else have any info on this route?

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I just read through all these posts and would love to join you out there sometime.  Most of my weekends are filled up for now but I will have an occasional Sunday free.  I am also free most Tuesdays and Fridays!

Gator Hook Bar article:  http://www.tampabay.com/features/humaninterest/the-gator-hook-bar-w...

Also, the August issue 1976, featured Big Cypress and pictures of the Gator Hook Bar.  There's a copy on Ebay for sale now for 2, ending Sunday afternoon.http://www.ebay.com/itm/National-Geographic-Vol-150-No-2-August-197...

Great price on the National Geo.  I doubt the Gator Hook trail was named in honor of the Gator Hook Bar, no matter what Knight says. The location of the old bar was way down around the Loop Road, near the Dade County line. Its nowhere near the Gator Hook Trail which was named after the Gator Hook Strand of large Bald Cypress trees. Cool article nonetheless about times long gone. A gator hook is simply a very large hook that was baited to catch gators. I snooped around the location of the old bar and it seems that nothing remains but a few wine and whiskey bottles, all under the protection of the NPS. 

toofaraway said:

Gator Hook Bar article:  http://www.tampabay.com/features/humaninterest/the-gator-hook-bar-w...

Also, the August issue 1976, featured Big Cypress and pictures of the Gator Hook Bar.  There's a copy on Ebay for sale now for 2, ending Sunday afternoon.http://www.ebay.com/itm/National-Geographic-Vol-150-No-2-August-197...

I dont know when the next trip to Gator Hook will be but you are welcome.   

MrsMustard said:

I just read through all these posts and would love to join you out there sometime.  Most of my weekends are filled up for now but I will have an occasional Sunday free.  I am also free most Tuesdays and Fridays!

Any current reports on the trail? I am heading down the weekend of the 22 and was thinking of taking a hike out and checking it out. How much of it is easy going? We are taking my toddler camping for the first time and I thought maybe a short hike would be fun. We will be staying at Skunk Ape on Saturday. My thinking is take the wife and son and my friends girlfriend out for a short hike and he can stay with his girlfriends son while I hike them back to the car and come back and we can keep going and they can go back to the campsite while we hike and tire out the older boy. Thanks for any info.

Looks like FTA is doing the Gator Hook hike March 15?

The Gator Hook is not a trail for a toddler. Even the beginning part is muddy, rocky and treacherous. There are 2 nice easy 1 and 3 mile trails at the Panther Preserve off SR29 or try the Fire Prairie Trail up Turner River Road or any of the 2 boardwalks (Kirby Storer or Big Cypress Bend in Fakahatchee)

Dennis McDonald said:

Any current reports on the trail? I am heading down the weekend of the 22 and was thinking of taking a hike out and checking it out. How much of it is easy going? We are taking my toddler camping for the first time and I thought maybe a short hike would be fun. We will be staying at Skunk Ape on Saturday. My thinking is take the wife and son and my friends girlfriend out for a short hike and he can stay with his girlfriends son while I hike them back to the car and come back and we can keep going and they can go back to the campsite while we hike and tire out the older boy. Thanks for any info.

The FTA is just what the doctor ordered for the Gator Hook Trail. The trail still needs cut across Holey Rock at the very center point of the large "W".

After the center point, before "the breakout", also needs some work. After the breakout, its clear sailing to the main Florida Trail! I zigzagged the area and I found the old railroad bed again after all these years and I marked it with ribbons. Lets keep it open!

I really wish I could go but I have to work.

shawn beightol said:

Looks like FTA is doing the Gator Hook hike March 15?

Dale and/or whoever.  

Nice work on Gator Hook.  Someone has cleared the undergrowth along the first mile and a half.

I joined the FTA Happy Hoofers under Esther M.'s guiding yesterday and we hiked out as far as the pitcher pump/benches campsite ~ 3miles.  We should organize a work hike to continue the improvements including the removal of the junk at these worksites.  some of it is historical, some of it is an eyesore (commercial plastic beverage containers, old shoes)...

Anyway, here's the track we followed.  Saw 1 cottonmouth on the way out and ran into a Miami Big Cypress solo hiker camper making his way to overnight for today's Roberts Lake circumnavigation.

View Larger Map 


You walked all that way only to turn around at the benches?  Without a doubt the prettiest section of the Gator Hook Trail is after the bench builders camp.  Actually immediately past the benches and you are in a different world. You did get to walk the Gauntlet but its a shame you missed the best part. Maybe next trip.

The plastic containers were left behind by the mysterious bench builders to prime the pump. But since it doesnt work, I guess the jugs are now trash. The shoes are a bit rotted after several years lol.

Its a long walk to paradise but next time you need to continue past the benches to experience the beauty. But you did good for first trip. I wonder if the solo hiker made it through?

I am also a member of the Happy Hoofers and any hike where Esther leads is not to be missed. She is a master naturalist and can really help you figure out what that flower, plant or animal is. Sorry I missed that hike, hopefully next season I'll get to gator hook.

hey guys. I'm the solo hiker lol. I reviewed some of the posts in this thread before heading out on Saturday and was under the impression that I would be bushwhacking and doing some challenging orienteering but it wasnt bad at all with the exception of a couple sections- much thanks to Dale, Bill, and the others that helped clear and flag the trail.

I started from the Gator Hook trailhead around 12:30 and got to the FT around 6:30. I was carrying way too much water and wished I had brought a water filter along instead. The pink flagging was clearly visible after the benches/pump and was easy to follow until reaching the point I named "fern fork." There were lots of beautiful ferns in that area and the trail of pink ribbons split into one direction going slightly north and the other going slightly south. This was probably near the point you have named "Hole" in the image you posted on pg.25 of this thread. I saw some Gumbos on the trail but I dont think I saw any near your Gumbo point that I used. I went off trail for a bit after "Rock" (Holey Rock) to check out a pond. Didn't see much wildlife but it was still quite scenic in there.

I kept losing sight of the pink ribbons while on the last leg of the W and getting cut-off by dense cocoplum patches but I knew I was going in the right direction because I was going E/NE and parallel to Roberts Stand. I ventured off to check out the eastern most lake in Roberts Strand. Saw lots of anhingas and herons there. Didn't see ANY snakes or gators the entire day!! Kind of disappointing. Spent the night in my Hennessy on Roberts Knoll and met up with the FT-Big Cypress group the next morning for a circumnavigation of Roberts Lake-which was incredible. 

Glad to be in good company.


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